Perth – WA 2025

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  1. Without the Labor vote in Bassendean this should be marginal in 2025 and competitive for the libs in 2028 so will be an obvious target

  2. @John the problem is (and this is the same for the federal seat of Perth and the federal and state seats of Adelaide) the Greens vote is increasing so it’s becoming like Macnamara where the Liberals usually finish first but Labor always manages to win on Greens preferences. In 2016 and 2019, the Liberals finished first in the federal seat of Perth but Labor won it on Greens preferences (I think it was around 54% Labor TPP on both occasions).

  3. Fed figures -> state seat of Perth

    LIB: 25.1
    ALP: 38
    GRN: 27.4
    OTH: 9.5

    2nd strongest area for the Greens in WA. Greens could finish 2nd here but Labor should still win fairly easily.


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