Oakford – WA 2025

ALP 28.2%

Incumbent MP
No incumbent MP.

Oakford covers suburbs on the south-eastern fringe of Perth, covering the suburbs Aubin Grove, Brookdale, Forrestdale, Harrisdale, Haynes, Hilbert, Oakford, Piara Waters and Wandi. A majority of the population in the seat lives in the Armadale council area, along with parts in the Cockburn, Kwinana and Serpentine-Jarrahdale council areas.

Oakford is a new seat, taking in parts of the seats of Armadale, Darling Range, Kwinana and Jandakot. About 47% of voters in the seat came from Jandakot. Just over a quarter came from Kwinana, and almost 20% in Armadale.

Oakford is made up primarily of parts of Jandakot, Kwinana and Armadale.

Kwinana and Armadale have been consistently in Labor hands in recent decades.

Jandakot doesn’t lean quite so strongly towards Labor, having been won by Labor for the first time in 2017.


  • Tait Marston (Liberal)
  • Mandy Dhandli (One Nation)
  • Yaz Mubarakai (Labor)
  • Ronald Lean (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)
  • Lawrence Levett (Independent)
  • Jiby Joy (Australian Christians)
  • Srdjan Lazarevic (Legalise Cannabis)
  • Heather Lonsdale (Greens)
  • Assessment
    Oakford is Labor’s 18th-safest electorate. It’s unlikely that Labor will have any trouble holding this seat.

    2021 result

    Party %
    Labor 70.9
    Liberal 16.6
    Greens 4.3
    Australian Christians 3.0
    One Nation 1.9
    No Mandatory Vaccination 1.1
    WAxit 1.0
    Liberal Democrats 0.7
    Western Australia Party 0.6
    Independent 0.1
    Informal 3.8

    2021 two-party-preferred result

    Party %
    Labor 78.2
    Liberal 21.8

    Booth breakdown

    Polling places have been split into three parts: north-east, south-east and west.

    Labor’s two-party-preferred vote ranged from 62.5% in the south-east to 78.6% in the west.

    Voter group ALP 2PP % Total votes % of votes
    North-East 76.9 4,309 18.4
    West 78.6 2,295 9.8
    South-East 62.5 1,110 4.7
    Pre-poll 80.5 9,852 42.0
    Other votes 78.3 5,890 25.1

    Election results in Oakford at the 2021 WA state election
    Toggle between two-party-preferred votes and primary votes for Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens.

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    1. My prediction: Labor hold, expect a big swing here though, this is largely new suburbs, with some semi-rural areas in the middle.


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