Landsdale – WA 2025

ALP 25.6%

Incumbent MP
Margaret Quirk, since 2021. Previously member for Girrawheen, 2017-2021.

Outer north of Perth. The entire seat lies on the eastern side of Wanneroo Road, including the suburbs of Darch, Girrawheen, Gnangara, Jandabup, Lansdale, Madeley and part of Marangaroo. The seat is contained in the southern end of the City of Wanneroo.

Landsdale expanded north to take in Gnangara and Jandabup from Wanneroo. Landsdale also exchanged territory with Mirrabooka (renamed Girrawheen), losing Alexander Heights and gaining part of Marangaroo.

The seat of Landsdale was created in 2021, primarily replacing Girrawheen. The seat of Girrawheen was resurrected for the 2025 election replacing the neighbouring seat of Mirrabooka.

The original Girrawheen was created at the 1996 election as a safe Labor seat in northern Perth.

The seat was first won by Ted Cunningham, who had held other seats for Labor since 1988.

After one term, the seat was won in 2001 by Margaret Quirk. She was appointed to the ministry after the 2005 election and has served as a shadow minister since the 2008 election.

The ALP’s margin was 12.6% at the first election in 1996, which increased at the 2001 and 2005 elections to a peak of 23.4%. The seat’s margin fell back to a reasonably safe 11.5% margin in 2008. The next redistribution made the seat less safe for Labor, and Quirk held on by a slim 2.4% margin in 2013. She significantly increased her margin in 2017 thanks to a swing of 14%.

Quirk ran for the newly-named seat of Landsdale in 2021, and was re-elected with ease.

Sitting Labor MP Margaret Quirk is not running for re-election.

  • Daniel Pastorelli (Labor)
  • Ziggi Murphy (Independent)
  • Marizane Moore (Liberal)
  • Michaela King (Greens)
  • Candice Parsons (Australian Christians)
  • Assessment
    Landsdale is the kind of seat that could be critical if the election is close. The seat is Labor’s 26th-safest seat, so would probably only fall if Labor was decisively pushed out of power, but it is not amongst the safest of Labor’s seats.

    2021 result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    Margaret Quirk Labor 18,217 69.3 +19.4 69.0
    Brett Raponi Liberal 5,293 20.1 -11.9 20.0
    Katrina House Greens 1,090 4.1 -2.1 4.3
    Shailee Mitesh Desai Western Australia Party 878 3.3 +3.1 2.9
    Leah Beedham No Mandatory Vaccination 579 2.2 +2.2 2.1
    Sareeta Doobree WAxit 236 0.9 -0.7 0.9
    Others 0.7
    Informal 1,183 4.3

    2021 two-party-preferred result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    Margaret Quirk Labor 19,820 75.4 +15.8 75.6
    Brett Raponi Liberal 6,471 24.6 -15.8 24.4

    Booth breakdown

    Polling places have been split into three parts: north, south-east and south-west.

    Labor’s two-party-preferred vote ranged from 73.4% in the north and south-west to 77% in the south-east.

    Voter group ALP 2PP % Total votes % of votes
    South-West 73.4 5,053 20.3
    South-East 77.0 3,277 13.2
    North 73.4 2,647 10.6
    Pre-poll 76.8 8,583 34.5
    Other votes 75.9 5,335 21.4

    Election results in Landsdale at the 2021 WA state election
    Toggle between two-party-preferred votes and primary votes for Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens.

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    1. My prediction: Labor hold, but one to watch in 2029, this seat sans Marangaroo is key swing territory. If it’s fully pushed north of Hepburn Avenue, this would likely be a bellwether.

    2. Yeah, definitely. Anything north of Hepburn Ave was market gardens 20 years ago. (I can remember when Hepburn didn’t even go that far east – it stopped at Wanneroo Rd.)

      I was up here a few days ago, and there’s LOTS of signs for both Libs and Labor. Clearly they think it’s a contest, and it just might be. The 30% swing to Labor across the last two elections isn’t a correction for the 2013 Lib landslide (they only got a 4% swing in Girrawheen), so this margin is definitely inflated.

      Plus, there’s plenty of outer suburban seats that are getting Metronet goodies, but this isn’t one of them. This could be a roughie for the Libs, despite the 25% margin.

    3. Labor’s candidate here is the latest to be dragged through the mud for old social media posts.


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