Fremantle – WA 2025

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  1. Fed figures -> state seat of Fremantle

    Lib: 17.7
    ALP: 38.6
    GRN: 31.5
    OTH: 12.2

    Probably the Greens best chance at winning a seat in WA. Unlike the fed seat, this seat stays purely inner city. Seems people in here are finally forgetting about Adele Carles. I expect Fremantle to have the biggest swing to the Greens.

  2. The West Australian has reported this week that a teal candidate may stand here.

    Fremantle would seem more like a Labor-Greens contest so a teal would probably not likely get elected though may serve to pinch more votes off Labor and Liberal and assist the Green campaign here. The local MP seems fairly well liked so expecting a narrow Labor hold but this seat would be up for grabs and probably be picked up by the Greens as soon as the incumbent vacates you would think.

  3. @Malcolm a teal would only do well in East Fremantle which is a Liberal booth. But it’s good that the teals have FINALLY decided to not just target Coalition seats and actually go for Labor seats. Somewhere like Coogee in NSW would be teal heartland.

  4. Actually a teal would do well in that they would attract the liberal and greens vote if they managed to get to second and would only need to strip some Labor voters to do so. However I don’t think the Labor is that unpopular ueyt maybe in 2029 it may be possible

  5. Yeah Nether Portal I’d expect a teal to do well in East Fremantle being a fairly affluent area, not so much in other booths. I’d like to see one stand even as a bit of a test run to see how well they fair in different areas of the seat and how their vote distributes to other candidates.


    Old news now but Kate Hulett is officially running as the ‘voices of Fremantle’ independent.

    This could be interesting – I do wonder if a candidate such as this has a better chance of taking this seat from Labor than the Greens as as she seems suited to picking up preferences from both the Greens and the WA liberals.

    Would of course depend on whether she makes the two candidate preferred count.

  7. She might be better off running in the federal seat after she likely fails here that has a much weaker primary vote and she would likely topple Josh Wilson with combined preferences.


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