Cockburn – WA 2025

ALP 28.1%

Incumbent MP
David Scaife, since 2021.

Southern Perth. The district includes the suburbs of Cockburn Central, Hammond Park, Henderson, Wattleup, Yangebup, Munster, Beeliar, Success, and parts of Coogee. The district covers central parts of the City of Cockburn.

Cockburn expanded south, gaining Hammond Park, Henderson and Wattleup from Kwinana, and losing Atwell to Jandakot. There were also minor changes to the northern border with Willagee/Bibra Lake and Fremantle. These changes increased the Labor margin from 26.7% to 28.1%.


Cockburn has existed continuously since 1962, and has always been held by Labor MPs.

Fran Logan won Cockburn in 2001, and held the seat for four terms.

Logan retired in 2021, and Labor candidate David Scaife won the seat.


  • Gopi Veloo (Australian Christians)
  • Brendan Graham Sturcke (Greens)
  • David Scaife (Labor)
  • Christopher Rennick (Legalise Cannabis)
  • Brunetta Di Russo (Liberal)
  • Assessment
    Cockburn is a safe Labor seat.

    2021 result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    David Scaife Labor 17,714 68.4 +16.7 69.9
    Owen Mulder Liberal 4,822 18.6 -9.8 17.5
    Jesse Smith Greens 1,655 6.4 -2.5 6.2
    Elspeth Taimre No Mandatory Vaccination 461 1.8 +1.8 2.0
    Igor Mironenko One Nation 456 1.8 -0.1 1.8
    Andrew Baker WAxit 426 1.6 +0.4 1.4
    Brian Murray Liberal Democrats 374 1.4 +1.4 1.2
    Others 0.1
    Informal 995 3.7

    2021 two-party-preferred result

    Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
    David Scaife Labor 19,870 76.7 +12.4 78.1
    Owen Mulder Liberal 6,024 23.3 -12.4 21.9

    Booth breakdown

    Polling places have been split into three parts: central, east and west.

    Labor’s two-party-preferred vote ranged from 73.9% in the west to 80.4% in the east.

    Voter group ALP 2PP % Total votes % of votes
    East 80.4 3,546 14.6
    West 73.9 3,085 12.7
    Central 79.4 2,500 10.3
    Pre-poll 78.7 9,718 40.0
    Other votes 77.5 5,460 22.5

    Election results in Cockburn at the 2021 WA state election
    Toggle between two-party-preferred votes and primary votes for Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens.

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    1. This seat’s probably due for a name change. Once upon a time (especially before one-vote-one-value reforms) it covered pretty much all of Cockburn council; now there’s several seats that overlap it. I’ll go for Beeliar – named after a suburb / major road / local wetlands, and it’s an Aboriginal name for those who care about ticking that box.

      Apart from that, nothing interesting here. Obvious Labor retain.

    2. Not sure about that, Cockburn Central, the train station are still in this seat. The seat makes up the majority of the council apart from a few outliers (which have always felt a bit more Freo or Melville anyway). No issue with a name change to Beeliar, lovely name, but I don’t see it happening.

      Top 5 safe labor seat, very boring contest

    3. BoP:

      I’d agree, and to add to your points, it’s also centrally located in the suburb. Definitely suggest it next state redistribution.

    4. Alp to lose 13 seats approx
      Latest polls suggest 57.2% 2pp alp
      Labor to lose the trad liberal seats
      Like nedlands Bateman
      South Perth Kalamunda Scarborough may be retained.
      Labor to lose warren black wood to nats
      Retain most other country seats
      Geraldton and Kalgoorlie to go down the wire.
      Numbers approx 2017 result

    5. @Mick Quin
      There is a teal in Churchlands, but afaik, there’s no indications that any of the Teals will gain any seats (Fremantle, Churchlands, Nedlands, Cottlesloe)

    6. Teals won’t win Freemantle
      Don’t know the others are normally reliable liberal seats… that all fall in or close to Curtin electorate

    7. The teal in Fremantle matly use the state election asa springboard to contest the federal seat. I would.


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