Bassendean – WA 2025

ALP 31.5%

Incumbent MP
Dave Kelly, since 2013.

Bassendean covers parts of Perth’s north-eastern suburbs, including Bassendean, Eden Hill, Kiara, Lockridge, Beechboro and parts of Ashfield. The seat covers the entire Bassendean council area along with parts of the Bayswater and Swan council areas.

Bassendean shifted west, losing the remainder of Caversham to Midland and gaining those parts of Morley east of the Tonkin Highway, while losing part of Ashfield to Maylands.

The seat of Bassendean has existed since 1996, and has always been held by Labor MPs.

Bassendean was first won in 1996 by Labor’s Clive Brown. Brown had first been elected to represent Morley in 1993, and moved to Bassendean when the former seat was abolished. Brown served on the Labor frontbench from 1994, and became a minister when Labor won power in 2001. He retired in 2005.

Martin Whitely won Bassendean in 2005. Whitely had won the traditional Liberal seat of Roleystone for Labor in 2001, but moved when his former seat was abolished in 2005. He was re-elected in 2008, and served as a parliamentary secretary in the Labor government from 2006 to 2008.

Labor’s Dave Kelly replaced Whitely in Bassendean in 2013, and Kelly moved straight onto the Labor frontbench. Kelly was re-elected in 2017 and 2021.


Bassendean is a safe Labor seat. While the margin is undoubtedly inflated, there are just nine other Labor seats with larger margins, so it’s hard to see Labor having any trouble here.

2021 result

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
Dave Kelly Labor 17,094 70.7 +11.2 71.1
Felicia Adeniyi Liberal 2,954 12.2 -10.7 12.3
Charles Pratt Greens 2,005 8.3 -2.6 7.8
Dean Powell Australian Christians 705 2.9 -0.3 3.0
Leni Erceg No Mandatory Vaccination 685 2.8 +2.8 2.7
Lesley Pallister One Nation 486 2.0 +1.7 2.0
Peter Martin WAxit 265 1.1 -1.6 1.1
Informal 1,172 4.6

2021 two-party-preferred result

Candidate Party Votes % Swing Redist
Dave Kelly Labor 19,727 81.6 +10.0 81.5
Felicia Adeniyi Liberal 4,452 18.4 -10.0 18.5

Booth breakdown

Polling places have been split into three parts: central, north and south.

Labor’s two-party-preferred vote ranged from 77.9% in the north to 83.2% in the north.

Voter group ALP 2PP Total votes % of votes
Central 81.6 8,846 17.5
North 83.2 7,659 15.1
South 77.9 4,378 8.6
Pre-poll 82.2 9,196 36.3
Other votes 80.7 11,421 22.5

Election results in Bassendean at the 2021 WA state election
Toggle between two-party-preferred votes and primary votes for Labor, the Liberal Party and the Greens.

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  1. Per Preselection Updates, 2021 Liberal candidate for Bassendean Felicia Adeniyi is running for preselection in the federal seat of Cowan, held by Early Childhood & Youth Minister Anne Aly.

  2. Labor Retain – Greens may finish second here though. Bassendean PS and Cyril Jackson (Ashfield) have strong Green pockets.

  3. Interestingly, a few Greens members have been elected to the Bassendean Council. The former Mayor was a Greens Mayor.

    Definitely a ‘Labor Left’ seat its like Miller in QLD.

  4. Labor will retain but I reckon Greens have a decent shot of ending up in TCP as the Liberal vote is natrually low and Greens have strong booths in central Bassendean.

    Maybe 65 LAB 35 GRN TCP

  5. Of the three ALP seats where there seems to be at least some momentum behind an independent, I have my eye on this one the most.

  6. The prepoll in Bennett Springs had a few of Renee McClennan’s volunteers. But seemed largely Labor voters at this stage.

    She isn’t a teal independent like alot of safe Labor seat independents. Greens will see a rise in the vote in some parts.

  7. My prediction for this seat disappeared, so here it is again:

    Labor hold, long way to go before the Green’s have a shot of winning, especially in the ruby-red north of this seat.

  8. I think the independent will make the final two here, Bennett springs is probably gonna be the weaker area of the electorate for the independent. I expect her vote to be concentrated around bassendean. Would be good to get more observations from the ground out there. I think a green/labor independent more in the style of Andrew Wilkie would have some appeal in seats like this. Very curious to see how it goes.

  9. I think the Independent at most will get around 15% of the primary and that will almost entirely come from the Bassendean area itself, there won’t be many votes for her in the rest of the electorate. Most that 15% would have gone the Greens otherwise, so am expecting the Greens vote to hold or increase slightly.

    The Independent candidate may still make it to the two candidate count though because the Liberals campaign in CBD and inner East electorates have been shambolic including in Mount Lawley which they used to win regularly.

  10. @there a huge margin thats about to be shed from labor and if she polls wel enough she will be getting preferences from all the other non labor candidates. if the labor vote were to drop 30% as it did in rockingham she could win. anything under 40% for the labor candidate and she will be in with a chance. if she can poll 16-17%. based on 2021 results onp will be elimiated first followed by australian christians. the onp vote will probably break greater to the libs bsaed on preferences but if she gets above the greens she will scoop up their second prefereces. so it will down to beating the libs in the 3cp race.

  11. I don’t think she will come close to winning the seat, but I suspect she will finish above the greens, and get enough green preferences to surpass liberals and make the final 2. I don’t expect there will be a labor vote collapse here, especially with recent polling being strong for labor


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