Queensland 2024

Welcome to the Tally Room’s guide to the 2024 Queensland state election. This guide includes comprehensive coverage of each seat’s history, geography, political situation and results of the 2020 election, as well as maps and tables showing those results.

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  1. Legislative Assembly seat profiles
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Legislative Assembly seat profiles

Seat profiles have been produced for all 93 Legislative Assembly electoral districts. You can use the following navigation to click through to each seat’s profile.


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    1. Might not have been Hervey Bay actually. I don’t know which seat it was but it was a key one I think.

    2. Travelling back from Toowoomba North to Bancroft I had the opportunity to see 130 Km of main roads. LNP Corflutes visible in Toowoomba, Gatton, Ipswich and Moreton Bay council areas. Only sign noticed in Brisbane City was a single Tim Mander sign in Everton.
      Quite a few trucks with LNP “ Adult Crime Adult Time” Billboards parked in prominent spots.
      It would appear that LNP are out campaigning ALP, which from my experience is not normally the case.

    3. Queensland can really swing
      Take the opposition leaders ex Townsville based seat
      2012 he had a 10% margin
      2015 lost the seat alp still held 2017 and 2020
      This means over 2 elections the seat swung over 20%

    4. @Andrew Jackson, I’m sure you know. But just for others here. The Brisbane City council has fairly strict rules on campaign signage which always means you’ll end up seeing a lot less in the city compared to the neighbouring councils. This is an important point to remember if you are trying to use visible campaign signage as a measure of campaign strength and investment for particular divisions. Greens are a party that have recognised this challenge from Brisbane city council and try to bump up the campaign signage that they deploy by making sure they find enough supporters to help them to fully exhaust their private yard signage allowance (in high impact areas too). This is especially effective in the high density and walkable neighbourhoods that they typically do well in.

      Probably why Jackson only saw a single Mander sign.

      Right now the difference in campaign signage between Waterford (a highly active campaign in Logan City) versus Toohey (a low investment campaign in Brisbane City) is comical.

    5. I can confirm there are lots of Labor signs in both the Sandgate and Nudgee electorates but not much anywhere else in the BCC, MBCC have restrictions on the amount of sings as well

    6. Reported today in the courier mail that Miles and Fentimen could both lose there seats, the suburbs around Brisbane are swinging hard to the LNP

    7. Trump 24 I wouldn’t be surprised is miles does but fentanyl has a bigger margin. If she does go Cameron dick will have a free run at leader post election

    8. There was apparently an internal poll in Waterford a few days ago that had a 13% swing against Fentiman, but that would still leave her on a 3% margin. I expect her to hold on but Miles is in real trouble.

    9. I appreciate that Councilds impose restrictions but a good candidate can get around them without breaching the law. MBCC has some of the most restrictive laws on signage in country. However most signage attached to vehicles is beyond the reach of Council rangers.
      I made a submission to MBCC review on political signage. I basically said I do not care what the restrictions are providing the Local Law is enforced. If the penalty is severe enough most candidates will be compliant. However Mander and ALP signs in Sandgate and Nudgee are either legal or illegal. If illegal the rangers should take action. If not illegal which I think is the case their opponents campaign managers need to explain. Corflutes are one of the few mediums that local candidates can use to communicate with electors.
      Ben Raue has indicated that he will not include general party website links as candidates . The fact that political parties will not let candidates respond to questionnaires from Media outlets shows up the level of centralisation of political campaigning.
      We need more local campaigning.
      I understand the reasons why we can no longer put up Corflutes on Telegraph Pole but in 1960’s and 1970’s campaigning involved debate on policy.

    10. One Nation has 4 days to find another 49 candidates if they’re going to run in every seat like they say they will. Even if they do have ghost candidates lined up, isn’t it incredibly messy and unprofessional to leave it to the last minute like this? Not to mention that they’ve been prioritising their people in random electorates like Clayfield rather than their traditional strongholds. They’re nearly on the level of the UAP’s pathetic 2020 attempt and yet they’re still polling 7-8% of the vote…

    11. Miles would be the first male to lead Labor to a loss since 1986, Hmm maybe this election isn’t all over yet (sarcasm)

    12. Daniel didn’t Wayne Goss also lead Labor to a defeat in the 1995 election? I know technically the ALP won a majority but lost it in the court ordered Mundingburra by election.

    13. Interestingly had onp and nats libs done a deal instead of referencing Labor seats like Barron River cleveland currumbin mansfield mount ommaney mundingburra nicklin redcliffe Springwood townsville could have been won by the coalition and seats like bundaberg cairns kallungar murrumba waterford possibly Mackay ispeich been won by one nation allowing them to defeat Labor.

    14. John assume you refer to 1998 election. To deal with onp is nuts…. they are not a mainstream party. I remember ringing onp in
      Nsw asking for a reply from Mark Latham who at that time was one of their mps. The conversation I had bordered on the surreal. In.another case I was asked what was my pronoun?


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