Port Macquarie by-election, 2025

Cause of by-election
Sitting Liberal MP Leslie Williams announced her retirement on 22 January 2025.

MarginLIB 10.8% vs NAT

Incumbent MP
Leslie Williams, since 2011.

Mid-north coast. Port Macquarie covers the town of Port Macquarie itself, as well as coastal areas in Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, and a northeastern corner of Mid-Coast Council. Port Macquarie covers the towns of Port Macquarie, Dunbogan, Kendall, Kew, Laurieton, North Haven, West Haven, Coopernook, Moorland, Hannam Vale, Johns River and Stewarts River.

The electoral district of Port Macquarie has existed since 1988. It was won by the Nationals at every election from 1988 to 1999. In 2002, the sitting Nationals MP left the party, and it was won by independents from 2003 until the Nationals won the seat back in 2011.

The seat was first won in 1988 by Bruce Jeffery of the Nationals. He had been elected to the seat of Oxley in 1984, but it was abolished in 1988. The 1991 redistribution restored the seat of Oxley, and Jeffery returned to his original seat. He held the seat until his retirement in 1999.

Nationals MP Wendy Machin won Port Macquarie in 1991. She had first won the seat of Gloucester in 1985. She moved to the new seat of Manning in 1988 when Gloucester was abolished. Manning was itself abolished in 1991.

Machin was appointed as a minister in the Coalition government in 1993, and was re-elected to Port Macquarie in 1995, when the Coalition lost power. She retired in 1996.

The 1996 by-election was won by the Nationals’ Rob Oakeshott. He was appointed a shadow minister in the Liberal-National opposition after the 1999 election.

During his second term he became disenchanted with the Nationals, finding significant differences between his ideology and Nationals policies.

Oakeshott resigned from the National Party in 2002. He was re-elected as an independent at the 2003 election with almost 70% of the primary vote and 82.8% of the two-party-preferred vote. He was re-elected in 2007 with a slightly smaller margin of 78%.

Following the 2007 federal election, Nationals leader Mark Vaile resigned from his seat of Lyne in 2008, which overlaps with the state seat of Port Macquarie. Oakeshott resigned from Port Macquarie to contest the federal Lyne by-election. He won the seat with a 73.9% margin, which was cut to 62.7% in 2010. Following the 2010 election, Oakeshott and fellow crossbenchers Tony Windsor, Adam Bandt and Andrew Wilkie decided to support a minority Labor government in the hung parliament.

Following Oakeshott’s resignation, a state by-election was also held in Port Macquarie in 2008. The seat was won by independent Peter Besseling. He won with 54.5% of the two-party-preferred vote over the Nationals candidate. He was one of eight independent candidates, polling just under 36% of the primary vote.

In 2011, Besseling was defeated by Nationals candidate Leslie Williams, with a 35% two-candidate-preferred swing since Oakeshott last won the seat in 2007. Williams was re-elected in 2015 and 2019.

In 2020, Williams resigned from the Nationals and joined the Liberal Party in protest over Nationals leader John Barilaro threatening to take the party to the crossbench. Williams was re-elected as a Liberal candidate in 2023, despite the Nationals contesting the seat.


This by-election will likely prove to be an active contest between the two Coalition parties. The Nationals have always held a monopoly on Coalition seats on the north coast of New South Wales prior to Williams’ defection, and are unlikely to give up the seat without a fight.

The Liberal Party also has a strong case. This seat mostly covers the urban areas of Port Macquarie, which includes a large number of retirees who have moved from Sydney, and may be more comfortable voting for the urban Liberal Party.

The Liberal Party has made inroads in some north coast councils despite the state seats being held by the Nationals, and if they were to win here they would have ambitions to challenge for other seats like Tweed, Coffs Harbour and Myall Lakes which all have large urban centres populated by retirees who have left Sydney.

2023 result

Candidate Party Votes % Swing
Leslie Williams Liberal 21,044 39.5 39.5
Peta Pinson Nationals 13,675 25.6 -37.9
Keith McMullen Labor 10,265 19.2 -4.1
Stuart Watson Greens 3,473 6.5 -1.4
Vivian McMahon Legalise Cannabis 2,212 4.1 4.1
Silvia Mogorovich Informed Medical Options 1,229 2.3 2.3
Edward Coleman Sustainable Australia 809 1.5 -3.7
Benjamin Read Liberal Democrats 623 1.2 1.2
Informal 1,559 2.8 -0.7

2023 two-candidate-preferred result

Candidate Party Votes %
Leslie Williams Liberal 25,372 60.8
Peta Pinson Nationals 16,379 39.2

2023 two-party-preferred result

Candidate Party Votes % Swing
Leslie Williams Liberal 28,044 66.7 -3.4
Keith Mcmullen Labor 14,003 33.3 3.4

Booth breakdown

Booths in Port Macquarie have been split into three parts. Those polling places in the Port Macquarie urban area have been grouped, and the voters in this area make up a majority of the electorate. Rural booths were split between those in the Port Macquarie-Hastings council area as ‘Central’ and those in the Greater Taree council area as ‘South’.

The Liberal Party won a majority of the two-candidate-preferred vote in all three areas, ranging from 56.8% in the south to 59% in the centre.

Labor came third, with a primary vote ranging from 16.3% in the south to 20.9% in Port Macquarie.

Voter group ALP prim % LIB 2CP % Total votes % of votes
Port Macquarie 20.9 58.1 14,394 26.2
Central 18.0 59.0 6,579 12.0
South 16.3 56.8 2,701 4.9
Pre-poll 17.5 61.5 21,900 39.9
Other votes 19.2 65.4 9,315 17.0

Election results in Port Macquarie at the 2023 New South Wales state election
Toggle between two-candidate-preferred votes (Liberal vs Nationals) and primary votes for the Liberal Party, Nationals and Labor.

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  1. Wendy Machin is not President of NRMA and has not been since 2014. She left that Board in 2017 when her term ended. She remains an NED and Chair in banking, sport and health.

  2. Will be an interesting litmus test about Nats support leading up to the Cowper contest federally

    Not that I expect we’ll be able to read that much into it

  3. The Liberals never contested Port Macquarie prior to Williams’ defection to them.
    The only reason why they won it in 2023 was due to electorate recognition with Williams.
    I expect Port Macquarie will flock back to the Nationals in the by-election.

  4. Liberals have chosen Robert Dwyer, who is from Laurieton and is CEO of the Laurieton RSL.

    Nationals have chosen Dr Warwick Yonge, a Port Macquarie GP.

  5. @matthew the libs never contested because it was a nats designated seat so they weren’t allowed under the coalition agreement

  6. The Nationals have preselected a different candidate now.

    Before Leslie Williams switched to the Liberals, the Liberals never contested this seat. The Liberals haven’t contested for the federal seats of Lyne or Cowper for some decades and so it’ll be interesting to see if voters will go back to the Nationals.

  7. I seriously doubt the Libs would win either of them. Besides the Libs are better off using resources fighting Labor in their marginal seats then fighting the nats for seats they will already win

  8. The Liberal Party are not that smart. For years they tried to win Nationals seats on the Gold and Sunshine Coast instead of being an effective option in Brisbane – and the result can be seen to this day, with mostly appalling Labor members still holding a majority of Brisbane seats despite doing their best to bankrupt the state. The Liberals are soft, they would rather target conservative seats than do the hard yards (or heaven forbid, defend their previous heartland inner Sydney seats).

  9. The ex-Nationals candidate, Dr Warwick Yonge will run as an independent. The Nationals have chosen Sean Gleeson, a cattle farmer from Hannam Vale, in the hinterland part of the electorate. The Greens are re-running Stuart Watson, and not-so-surprisingly Labor has declined to contest the by-election.

    Am curious to see if a Voices/teal/Climate 200 candidate runs here, considering Port Macquarie is in the teal target seat of Cowper. If a teal did run it could potentially be a gauge for how well Heise polls in Port Macquarie, which was a bit weaker for her in comparison to Coffs Harbour.

  10. Oops, never realised the ballot was drawn already. This by-election is very low-key, so not surprised everyone is just letting the Coalition parties fight it out. Thanks for clarifying @Votante.

  11. There are 6 candidates and all except one live in the electorate (the Legalise Cannibis candidate is from Nambucca Heads which is in neighbouring Oxley electorate).

    While there are no teals, the independent running is the former Nationals candidate. Would be interesting to see how much of the ALP vote he can pick up, but agree with most that this will be a LIB vs NAT battle. (EDIT: Warwick Yonge [IND] is pushing himself hard as ‘Doctor Warwick’, maybe trying to push a health issue/credential?)

  12. A bit of a look at Lord Howe Island. I’m curious about it’s voting habits being so far offshore. From the Federal election to the State election, turnout increased by 18 votes. At the federal election, 48% voted ALP, 26% LIB and 21% GRN. At the state election, this was almost exactly reversed. 50% voted LIB, and both ALP and GRN received 18%. The NATs did worse than Legalize Cannabis.

    I think that this shows that many voters here are ignored and so vote for the name that they recognize. I also think there is also an environmental streak that forms the base of Greens voters, explained by the island’s natural beauty. Once again, it shows that showing a bit of love to places like these and offshore territories would be an easy way for a candidate to net a few votes.

  13. Lord Howe Island’s population economically depends on the travel, tourism and hospitality industries and the public service, including education. They are not very agricultural and so it’s not surprising the Liberals and Labor did way better than the Nationals. There is strong favouritism for the incumbent party.

    I doubt they get many visits from candidates since they are so remote and there are relatively few votes up for grabs.


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