Tasmanian federal redistribution – let’s try that again

Tasmania is currently undergoing a redistribution of its federal boundaries - the second of six federal redistributions due during this parliamentary term. The boundaries will also apply to Tasmanian state lower house elections, but probably not until the 2022 state election. The draft boundaries were...

Data repository update – WA, SA and Tasmania

I've made a number of updates to the data repository in preparation for the next round of state elections. I've added to the data from the 2017 WA state election. Originally I had a limited dataset for the Legislative Council election, without below-the-line vote breakdowns...

NSW council election guides – four more guides

In addition to the eleven councils which have already been profiled, I've now added four more guides. These are the four remaining councils with populations of over 100,000. Each of them is facing the prospect of council amalgamation, but will still hold an election...

Various map updates

Following on from the recent publication of the final Queensland state electoral boundaries, I've updated Google Earth boundary maps for three other jurisdictions: Tasmanian federal electorates - The draft boundaries were published on May 5. These boundaries will also cover Tasmanian state lower house...

Queensland state redistribution – final boundaries released

The redistribution of Queensland's state electoral boundaries concluded last Friday, and I've now finished my map of the electorates for download. You can download the map to use in Google Earth here. I've also updated my calculations of the margins in each seat, which are at...

NSW council elections – read the Tally Room guides

Voters in 46 NSW local councils will be voting on September 9 to elect new councils. The rest of the state voted last September, but elections were postponed in all of those councils which had either been amalgamated or had an amalgamation pending. Amalgamations have been...

WA state election data posted

Following on from last month's Western Australian state election, I've finished compiling data from that election and added it to the data repository for your use. The dataset includes polling place-level and seat-level data for the lower house and something similar for the upper...

NSW by-elections live

10:23pm - I'm going to stop here. The Liberal vote in North Shore has climbed back from 40.3% to 41.4%, and they're looking a bit more likely to hold on. 9:00pm - I think it's very unlikely that independent candidate Kathryn Ridge will be able...

Yet another by-election coming up on Saturday

In addition to three state by-elections which will be held on Saturday in New South Wales, there will also be two council by-elections: for Ward 2 of Blacktown council, and for Lithgow council. I profiled Blacktown council for last September's election so I figured it...

Tasmanian Legislative Council elections – guides posted

In addition to yesterday posting guides to the NSW by-elections, I've now also posted guides to the three seats in the Tasmanian upper house election which will hold elections on May 6. These three seats are: Launceston Murchison Rumney Each guide has maps showing the results...