Women in parliament – still marginal

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the lack of representation of women in the Liberal Party, and it got me thinking about what sort of seats tend to be represented by women. Do they tend to hold safer seats, or more...

More data – Tasmanian and SA state elections added

I've just added two more datasets to the Tally Room data repository. These datasets cover the results of the recent Tasmanian and South Australian state elections, including candidate lists, booth lists, and voting figures at the booth and seat level: South Australia 2018 Tasmania 2018 The...

Federal election guides – they keep coming

I've been continuing to post a seat guide every day recently, with fifteen more posted since I last posted on the front page. They tend to be safer Liberal seats, but there are still some interesting conversations: Hume Fairfax Durack Moore Tangney Fadden McPherson ...

Let’s do a podcast!

I've wanted to do a podcast for a while, but haven't been in a position to spend the time to do it properly. I think I'm pretty much there now, but I'm looking for some help with it. I have a plan to launch a...

New datasets – NSW councils and Tasmanian upper house

I've got a couple of new datasets now up on the website for you to use. I've now published the complete dataset from the 2017 NSW council election, including the list of candidates, the list of booths (including latitude/longitude) and the voting figures at the...

NSW government moves to end random sampling in council elections

Last year I testified before the NSW state Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) about the issue of random sampling in NSW local government elections. You can read my submission, the transcript of the hearing, and the committee's report. TLDR: The random sampling system...

The latest seat guides

I've been keeping up a regular schedule of seats for the three election guides which are gradually being posted now. For the federal election, all of these seats have been published since last time I posted about them: Lingiari Wide Bay Hinkler New England Fisher ...

Five (5!) federal by-elections on their way with latest s44 blow

The High Court this morning ruled that Senator Katy Gallagher was ineligible to sit in the Senate, making her the 13th federal politician to be undone by section 44 of the constitution in this current parliamentary term. The Court clarified that, while there is...

Darling Range by-election coming up

I discovered last night that a by-election is pending for the WA state seat of Darling Range. Labor candidate Barry Urban won the seat in 2017 with a massive 18.9% swing. He subsequently quit the party after he was exposed wearing a medal (for police...

Tasmanian Legislative Council live

10:33 - If you found this liveblog helpful, why not consider chipping in with a regular donation? 9:37 - And finally, here is a similar map for Hobart, showing the primary vote for Valentine and Griggs. Valentine did better in the north of the seat,...