Mail-only elections for NSW councils – not so fast

There was a story in the Sydney Morning Herald last week about how the NSW state government is considering a switch to postal voting for all voters at the 2021 local council elections. These elections were originally scheduled for September 2020, but were postponed by twelve...

Will the NT lose one of its federal seats?

I have been meaning to write a post about the impending determination and possible solutions to the likely merger of the NT's two federal seats. Antony Green put together a long and interesting piece yesterday explaining how the current formula short-changes the territories, and...

SA redistribution – the starting statistics

South Australia is currently undergoing a redistribution of its state electoral boundaries. The redistribution kicked off late last year, with the first round of submissions closing in April. The Commission has released current population figures as of February 2020, and projected electors as of June...

NSW redistribution stats released

The next redistribution for NSW state electorates has just kicked off, with boundaries due to be redrawn for the 2023 state election. The first stage of the process allows anyone to make submissions suggesting electoral boundaries, either making suggestions about a particular seat or the...

How the AEC is adapting Eden-Monaro for Covid

The AEC has published its plan for how it will adapt the Eden-Monaro by-election to account for the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the stuff will be familiar to anyone who has visited any public place in recent months. Social distancing rules will be applied at...

Eden-Monaro by-election set for July 4

The federal by-election for the seat of Eden-Monaro has been set for July 4, just one day after the Liberal Party announced their candidate. The Liberal Party has preselected Fiona Kotvojs, the same candidate who ran in 2019. She will be facing off against Labor's...

What I’ve been reading: PR in NYC

I've been working behind the scenes on my guide to the Queensland election, but I've also been taking the opportunity of this quiet election period to do some reading, including on some topics related to electoral analysis. I thought I would put together some...

Kelly resignation opens up by-election in Eden-Monaro

The triggering of a federal by-election yesterday for the seat of Eden-Monaro will be a test for the major parties, but also will likely be the first test of how our voting will be affected after the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Australia. Read...

All quiet, but a lot going on

I have been planning to post for a few weeks about the plans for this website going forward following the conclusion of the Queensland council elections. I'm not going to be actively posting on the website, or publishing any new episodes of the podcast, for...

Podcast #35: Queensland local elections wrap-up

Ben is joined by Alexis Pink to wrap up the results of the Brisbane City Council election and the Queensland state by-elections, including how these elections were influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can subscribe to this podcast using this RSS feed in your podcast app of...