Launching the ACT 2020 election guide

Voting starts on Monday in the Australian Capital Territory election, with election day to be held on October 17. Voters will be electing twenty-five members of the Legislative Assembly across five electorates using the Hare-Clark proportional voting system. You can now read the guide to this...

Victorian council elections – mapping federal results to wards

I haven't seriously attempted to wrap my head around who is running in the Victorian council elections, which councils are dominated by one faction or the other, and which seats are in play.This is primarily because the VEC does not publish party affiliations for...

Victorian councils 2020 – how did the wards changed?

In yesterday's post I looked at which Victorian councils were effected by the changes to the ward redistribution process earlier this year. In this post I'm going to look at how the wards changed in the fourteen councils which experienced a change. Fourteen councils have...

Victorian councils 2020 – the impact of the Somyurek changes

Nominations closed yesterday for Victoria's local government elections. Ballot papers will be sent out by mail in early October, with the votes being counted from October 24. I'm not across the complexity of who is running so I won't try and be across the candidates,...

Podcast #43: Queensland election preview

Ben is joined by the University of Queensland's Chris Salisbury and Glenn Kefford to preview next month's Queensland election. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room's supporters on Patreon. If you find this podcast worthwhile please consider giving your support. You can subscribe to this...

QLD 2020 – candidate update

I launched my guide for the Queensland state election on Tuesday, and as part of that guide I have been compiling a list of candidates running in the election. Over three hundred candidates have been identified so far, although the list shrunk slightly this week...

Podcast #42: all about redistributions

Ben is joined by William Bowe from the Poll Bludger and new guest Michael Maley, formerly of the Australian Electoral Commission, to talk all about redistributions: how they work now, how they used to work and how they have changed over time. This podcast is...

Victorian councils update – some campaigning allowed

The Victorian government today announced some rule changes from the end of this weekend which will allow some local government election campaigning which doesn't pose a risk of spreading disease. These changes do make it easier for campaigns to get a message out, but I...

Unveiling the Queensland 2020 election guide

The Queensland state election will be held on October 31, and I have now completed my guide to this election. This guide features profiles of all 93 electorates. Each profile includes the history of that seat, a description of its geography, and maps and tables...

How do you run for election under stage 4 lockdown?

Victorians will soon be voting in local council elections amidst an extended lockdown. While the number of new Covid-19 cases has been dropping, Melburnians will still face a stage 4 lockdown for six more weeks. Victorian council elections are conducted entirely by post, which will...