That’s it for 2020
Ben Raue -
Now that I've finished posting about all of the redistributions happening at the moment, I'll be bringing down the shutters on this blog for the next month or so.
Be assured a lot will be going on in the background as I prepare my guide...
Victorian state redistribution kicks off
Just as the South Australian redistribution finishes, and alongside a state redistribution in New South Wales and two federal redistributions, the starters pistol has been fired in the Victorian state redistribution.
The redistribution will be conducted based on the enrolment figures as of November 30,...
SA redistribution – final map and margins
The final boundaries for the South Australian state electoral redistribution were released in November, and I have just finished producing my new map of the electoral boundaries, as well as my estimates of the margins.
The map is shown below:
The boundary changes were slightly less...
NSW redistribution – draft map and margins
It's taken some time, but I have now finalised my map of the New South Wales draft electoral boundaries for the 2023 and 2027 state elections.
The boundaries were released in early November and I blogged about them at the time, but it's taken me...
NZ 2020 – voting data shows how voters split their votes
New Zealand voters cast two votes, but (unlike in Australian federal elections) they are cast on a single piece of paper. This means it is possible to determine exactly how many voters who voted for each party on the list voted for a particular...
9 votes in Bundaberg wraps up Queensland
The final results of the Queensland state election were decided yesterday, with Labor winning a recount in the seat of Bundaberg by nine votes, and won a recount in Nicklin by 85 votes.
The original preference count in Bundaberg gave Labor victory by eleven votes,...
NSW state redistribution – draft maps released
The New South Wales state redistribution took another step forward today, when the draft boundaries were released. The maps and report can be found here.
It will be some time before I finish my own boundaries file, which I will then use to calculate my...
ACT 2020 – how people voted
It's now been over three weeks since the ACT election, and I have pulled together the statistics on how the Covid-19 pandemic affected how people choose to vote.
There was a massive surge in pre-poll voting, necessitating a collapse in the election day vote. There...
NZ cannabis referendum finalised
The results of the New Zealand election were finalised yesterday, with the reporting of the special votes.
The final result saw the National Party lose two seats, with Labour gaining a 65th seat, and the Māori Party gaining a second seat.
But today I'm more interested...
Podcast #47: Queensland election, the next day
Ben is joined by 4ZZZ's Alexis Pink for a quick podcast to talk about last night's Queensland election results.
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