Coming next – the NSW council elections

I am currently working on my next big election guide, and I'd like to let you know what's coming up, and ask for support in getting it done. Sign up on Patreon to support coverage of local council elections. The New South Wales local government elections...

Podcast #51: Tasmanian election preview

Ben is joined by Kate Crowley and Mike Lester to discuss the upcoming Tasmanian state election. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room's supporters on Patreon. If you find this podcast worthwhile please consider giving your support. You can subscribe to this podcast using this RSS...

Federal redistributions – map update

I have finally completed my maps of the draft electoral boundaries for Victoria and Western Australia for the next federal election, three weeks after the boundaries were released. You can download the Google Earth files from my maps page. This is the fourth set of...

Parties and the Tasmanian upper house

The Tasmanian Legislative Council is an oddity amongst elected bodies in Australia. It's the only state upper house elected by single-member electorates, and it is unique in being elected annually, with one sixth elected each year over a six year cycle. But I wanted...

Upper Hunter by-election guide posted

The guide to the 2021 Upper Hunter by-election has now been posted. The seat should be an interesting contest, with both Labor and the Shooters having their eye on the seat. Outgoing Nationals MP Michael Johnsen won by a margin of just 2.6% in 2019 against...

WA 2021 – broken upper house voting system elects Daylight Saving

We've now got results for the three non-metropolitan regions for the Western Australian Legislative Council, with the metropolitan regions due to be decided after the Easter long weekend. In two of the three regions, an MLC has been elected representing a small minor party. In...

Tasmanian upper house guides posted

This is a quick post to let you know that my profiles of the three Tasmanian upper house contests have now been added to my guide to the 2021 Tasmanian state election. The three seats are Derwent to the north-west of Hobart, Windermere to the...

Tasmanian election guide ready to go

I have now finished the first part of my Tasmanian election guide, with profiles posted for all five House of Assembly electorates. These guides feature maps of the 2018 results, tables showing the results broken down by each part of the seat, a history of...

Early Tasmanian election?

Speculation is rife that the Tasmanian premier, Peter Gutwein, will call an early election as early as today for Saturday, May 1. This is about a year before the election needs to be held, and ten months before the four-year anniversary of the last...

Victorian and WA federal redistributions live

6:13pm - Okay I am now signing off. As previously discussed, every seat has stayed in the hands of the party that already held it. The Liberal seat of Stirling has been abolished and the Labor seat of Hawke has been created with a 10.2%...