Tasmania 2021 – parties keep improving in the upper house

With the final results now in from the Tasmanian state election, I wanted to go back to a post I wrote in early April about the role of parties in the Legislative Council. The chamber has historically been dominated by independent members, but the two...

Launching the NSW council election guide

Voters in New South Wales will go to the polls on September 4 to elect their local councils for the next three years. I have now completed my guide to the 25 most populous councils in New South Wales. These councils all have a population...

Tasmania 2021: the shift away from election day

We don't yet have final voting figures, but enough has been reported to be able to get a sense of how much of a shift we have seen away from ordinary election day voting. This has been a long-term trend that accelerated dramatically through 2020...

Tasmania 2021: north and south diverge

I've been fascinated by how the two halves of Tasmania have moved apart at this election. The Liberal Party lost support overall, but managed to gain swings in the three northern electorates. This has been the culmination of a trend which has seen the...

Podcast #53: Tasmanian election results

Ben is joined by Kevin Bonham to discuss the results of Saturday's Tasmanian state election. Check out Kevin's analysis of the late counting at his website. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room's supporters on Patreon. If you find this podcast worthwhile please consider giving...

Tasmania 2021 – mapping the vote

As promised, I have put together a map showing the vote at each election-day booth in Tasmania for the three major parties. Thanks to William Bowe's Poll Bludger live results service for being the only place to publish full polling place results in an...

Tasmania 2021 – morning-after summary

So I don't yet have any maps of the results to provide - the TEC's website provides polling place information in a frustratingly vague format, without lat longs or even unique names for booths. I know I can get that data from somewhere, so...

Tasmania 2021 – election night live

11:10pm - We have received a few pre-poll booths but there really isn't much information. I'm going to wrap up now and I'll return in the morning with an update on the state of the count. The only race really worth watching at this point...

Tasmania 2021 – election day open thread

8:00am - Polls have just opened in the Tasmanian state election, along with the Legislative Council elections for the divisions of Derwent and Windermere. I won't be doing updates during the day today but you can use this post as a place to discuss...

Podcast #52: Redistribution update

Ben is joined by William Bowe from the Poll Bludger to talk about all of the recent redistributions. For further reading: Liveblog of Victorian and WA federal redistributions Post with maps of Victorian and WA federal boundaries South Australian final redistribution New South Wales...