How-to-votes banned at booths for NSW council elections

Throughout the most recent outbreak of COVID-19 in New South Wales there has been a lack of information about how the election process would be adapted to deal with the risk of infection, apart from postponing the election for three months. The Electoral Commission had...

Postal voting falls short in South Gippsland

There is a local council election currently being held in South Gippsland Shire in eastern Victoria. South Gippsland's former dysfunctional council was sacked in 2019 and replaced by administrators. The rest of Victoria held their council elections in late 2020, but South Gippsland was delayed...

Party politics spreads across Sydney councils

Over the last two decades, we've seen the culmination of a long trend of political parties taking on a more dominant role in local government in urban New South Wales, particularly in the Greater Sydney region. The Liberal Party has moved into council politics...

Enrolment drops in parts of Sydney in the pandemic

This is the final chapter in my series looking at electoral enrolment data in the Sydney region. One of the things I noticed when I was looking at local trends in the last post was that, in some areas, enrolment has been declining over the...

How enrolment trends are playing out in Sydney councils

Last week I put up a number of posts analysing enrolment data in the Greater Sydney region, with a focus on Camden and Blacktown. This is my last post on the topic, looking at a number of other councils. While I made a number of...

New NSW by-election guides added

It's been two weeks since I first posted about the resignations of three Coalition MPs leading to impending by-elections, and the guides I've prepared for those by-elections. Two more have now been added to the list: Liberal MP Melanie Gibbons will be resigning from her...

The City of Blacktown’s population boom

This is a follow-up to Wednesday's post about voter enrolment numbers increasing in Camden Council, this time looking at the equivalent growth taking place in the north-west of Sydney, primarily in the north-eastern corner of the City of Blacktown. This growth looks less dramatic as...

Camden Council’s population transformation

On Monday, I posted about the trends in population growth across Sydney as seen in the NSWEC enrolment data, with a particular focus on Camden, which has more than doubled in size over the last fourteen years. This growth in population has not been even,...

Which councils are absorbing Sydney’s population growth?

I have been paying a lot of attention to local councils in New South Wales over the past year, with a particular focus on the more populous councils. As part of my analysis, I decided to draw a line under those councils with a...

Berejiklian’s exit triggers by-election Super Saturday

The resignation of NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian on Friday under a cloud of investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption has now led to two of her ministers also announcing their pending resignations, not just from cabinet but from the parliament. This means we...