Getting the nominations balance right

There was a really interesting story in the Guardian yesterday from Michael McGowan and Joe Hinchliffe about a prospective One Nation candidate and his experiences in the nomination process. Rob Sinclair, who had previously been listed as an independent candidate in Parramatta, offered to run...

Which seats have the highest rates of early voting?

This is a follow-up to Monday's blog post, which explored the trends away from election day voting at the federal level, and how those trends have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this blog post, I'm splitting up the 2019 vote between votes cast...

Podcast #72: Minor parties on the right

Ben is joined today by Ben Moffitt from the Australian Catholic University to talk about right-wing minor parties and their role in the federal election, and to profile the seat of Macquarie. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room’s supporters on Patreon. If you find...

The shift towards early voting

There has been a long term trend in Australian politics of voters shifting away from casting a ballot on election day, in favour of voting earlier in the campaign. This has usually taken place through two methods: an in-person pre-poll vote, or a postal...

Guide for next Saturday’s Tasmanian upper house elections

Tasmania's upper house holds elections every year in May, with two or three out of the 15 electorates up for election each year, over a six year cycle. Two seats were due to hold elections next Saturday, May 7, those being Elwick in the northern...

Will larger ballot papers drive up informal voting?

This election will see a record number of candidates on the ballot paper for the House of Representatives, with 1203 candidates running, up from the previous record of 1188 in 2013. In this post I'm analysing the relationship between the size of the ballot paper...

How much does the vote vary in each seat?

I was wondering recently about voting diversity within an electorate. I'm specifically talking about how much the vote varies from one booth to another across a local electorate's geographic area. You certainly notice variation when looking at booth maps - some seats are very...

What primary vote is too low for majority government?

I have seen a lot of commentary in the last week about the low polling position of both major parties, and whether that might make it impossible for either side to form a majority government. While it is true that chances of a hung parliament...

Podcast #71: Records broken as nominations close

Ben is joined by Duncan McDonnell and Marija Taflaga to discuss the closing of nominations. We discuss numbers of women and Aboriginal candidates nominating at the election, and the impact of increasing ballot sizes on the House informal vote. We also discuss the electorate...

Nominations close, 2022 edition

Nominations were declared for the federal election yesterday, and we now have the final official lists of candidates. We've seen a record number of candidates running for the House of Representatives, despite the number of parties running candidates falling to the lowest level since 2010....