NSW candidate update

I have just finished an update of my Legislative Assembly candidate list and I thought I'd pop it up here for everyone to take a look. Over the next day or two I'll make sure every seat guide has its candidate list updated too. Check...

Coalition retirements in NSW reach new high

In the lead up to the state election, there have been quite a few prominent MPs have announced their retirement, including a number in key marginal seats. This prompted me to collect data on how many members have retired at each election over the past...

What might happen at the Victorian and WA federal redistributions?

Yesterday's post analysed the intra-state trends in terms of enrolment for each NSW federal electorate. Today I'm looking at the trends in Victoria and Western Australia. These states are slightly simpler since we know they will be losing and gaining a seat respectively, and...

Closing the gap in federal seat enrolments in NSW

Federal redistributions will commence this year in three states. Victoria will lose a seat, Western Australia will gain a seat, and New South Wales will also have a redistribution. A redistribution will commence next month for New South Wales with its current 47 seats,...

Prospects for changes in federal seat numbers

After every election, there is a process to determine how many electorates each state and territory is entitled to at the following federal election. That process will take place in the middle of 2023. The process will utilise the latest population estimates from the...

How did below-the-line voting perform in Victoria?

I spent a lot of energy before the Victorian election talking about below the line voting - encouraging voters to use the method and analysing its impact on previous elections. We now have all the data to assess how things went. While the below-the-line...

Voting patterns for left-wing minor parties in Victoria

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Victorian state election was the role of the small left-wing minor parties. The Greens used to have this lane largely to themselves, but a number of other parties have now emerged, with two of these parties...

Victoria 2022 – which parties did best in areas with high informal rates?

In the weeks after the Victorian election, I saw some analysis looking at the geographic patterns of support for some of the parties. One of the things I was most interested in identifying was the relationship between informal voting trends and support for particular...

Victoria 2022 – informal vote drops despite bigger ballots

The informal rate reached a record high at the 2018 Victorian state election. With record-large ballot papers at the 2022 election, I had wondered what might happen to the informal rate last year. While the informal rate was the second-highest on record for the...

Victoria 2022 – the early vote majority

The recent Victorian election was the first such election since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and it was yet another example of the trend towards people voting early being accelerated by the pandemic. This was the first Victorian state election where a majority of votes were...