Florida, The Year 2000
Ben Raue -
Courtesy of FiveThirtyEight.com, this fascinating report outlining what went on in the process of calling the state of Florida for Al Gore, then reversing it to George W Bush, before returning the state to be "too close to call".
Where do the Greens go in the ACT?
With the final count resulting in the fourth Green, Caroline le Couteur, elected to the final seat in the ACT Legislative Assembly, the ACT's local parliament now includes 7 Labor MLAs, 6 Liberal MLAs and 4 Greens MLAs. On top of that, the ACT...
This week in satire – October 27
Note: I'm going to be away from the internet for much of this week, so expect less regular posts. But I'll be back on Saturday to get ready for Tuesday's US election.
Jon Stewart examines the various "anti-American" accusations made by conservative politicians in the...
Swing state stories: Virginia
Since Eisenhower's first election in 1952, Virginia has been a solidly Republican state, only going to the Democrats in the landslide election of 1964. As a former Confederate state, the state was solidly Democratic until the 1950s and 1960s, which saw a switch to...
Meanwhile, in Scotland…
Gordon Brown has had a bad year with by-elections in the UK. Four by-elections were held in two months in the summer of 2008. Labour lost the seat of Crewe and Nantwich to the Conservatives in May. Following the election of Conservative Boris Johnson...
New Zealand update
New Zealand goes to the polls on November 8 to elect its national Parliament. New Zealand uses the Mixed Member Proportional system (which is best explained by Deborah at Larvatus Prodeo) which means that, in addition to 63 general electorates, and 7 Maori electorates,...
ACT results update
It seems that the ACT Electoral Commission is updating results every evening around this time (although I'm running on Wednesday night's results. Each day they enter a certain number of booths worth of ballots into the computer, then they distribute the preferences for those...
US08: It ain’t over ’til it’s over, but…
As an extra item for people to consider, Charlie Cook lays out how the metrics of the race show that Obama's position is much stronger than what the polls say. The simple facts he lay out demonstrate Obama's dominance and how John McCain will...
US08: Two weeks out
The United States will elect its 44th President in less than two weeks time, on Tuesday, November 4. You would have to say that Barack Obama is in a dominant position as we move into the final stretch. According to Pollster.com, Barack Obama holds...
The Green tide?
Support for the Greens has increased markedly since the beginning of 2008. Newspoll has shown an increase in the party vote over the 10% barrier for the first time, recently reaching 13%. State Newspolls have the party polling over 10% in all mainland states,...