2009 election preview: India

At the recent US election, over 131 million people cast votes in the presidential contest. Yet Indian elections take place on a much larger scale.  The last federal election, in 2004, saw 389 million votes cast for 543 seats in the Lok Sabha, the...

Canada electoral map finished up

As a late Christmas present, I have finally completed my Google Earth electoral map of Canada. I haven't completed the three territory ridings of Yukon, Western Arctic and Nunavut. These ridings cover a huge amount of territory and would take me a lot longer...

2009 election preview: United Kingdom

The next UK general election must be held by June 2010, so strictly it may not take place within 2009. All UK general elections since 1979 have taken place within the April-June period, so the only two likely election date possibilities are in the...

2009 election preview: Queensland state election

The Queensland Labor government will be attempting to win a fifth term in office at the state election in 2009. The election must be held by September 2009, three years after the last election in 2006, but could be held at any time in...

2009 election preview

With Christmas coming up soon and little in the way of electoral news, I thought I'd spend this week going through the major elections expected in 2009. At the moment, the big ones from my perspective are: Queensland general election, expected by September. Indian federal election,...

Minnesota Senate update

I've avoided trying to properly cover the ongoing count to determine the winner of the Senate seat in Minnesota, between Republican Senator Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken. The best place to follow it all has been FiveThirtyEight.com. In the last day the Canvassing Board...

Queensland redistribution prospects

In addition to New South Wales losing a seat, Queensland will be gaining one. For the purpose of analysis, I broke up the state's 29 districts into six regions. Because 29 is a prime number, one of the six regions has four seats instead...

NSW redistribution prospects

There will be a redistribution this year which should see NSW lose its 49th seat to Queensland, which will require one seat to be abolished and the state distributed into 48 districts. Using the enrolment statistics of 28 November this year, I have done some...

Gordon Brown coming back in the UK

Gordon Brown had a pretty awful year, with losses of safe seats in by-elections and massive poll leads for David Cameron's Conservatives. But since the beginning of the global financial crisis, Brown's seemingly successful attempts to get his plans adopted by other western countries,...

NSW state Newspoll: ALP vote collapses

The latest Newspoll on NSW state politics has the Labor Party collapsing to levels even lower than seen in the last century. With the Coalition on 43%, Labor on 26%, the Greens on 14% and Others on 17%. The 2PP figures are at 59-41...