Barnaby Joyce for the lower house?
Ben Raue -
In response to claims of John Howard encouraging Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce to move to the House of Representatives, Sean Parnell has penned speculation in the Australian about potential seats Joyce could take on. Parnell rules out National-held seats such as Maranoa in...
2009 election preview: South Africa
The Republic of South Africa will go to the polls for its fourth national election since the end of Apartheid, with the election expected between April and June 2009. The election will see the African National Congress attempt to win a fourth term in...
Possum takes on Australia’s electorates
Over at Crikey's Pollytics blog, Possum has started a series profiling the demographics of all 150 Australian House of Representatives electorates. So far he has posted profiles of Adelaide, Aston, Ballarat and Banks. Check it out.
Welcome to the new and improved Tally Room
Welcome to the new website. I'll be using this in place of my previous website. You'll notice a new design and the placement of some subtle advertising. I'll try and keep it out-of-the-way. The new website should also allow me to do more...
The Redistricting Game
A weekend treat for all you electoral nuts out there: I've just discovered the Redistricting Game. It's a net-based computer game built by people campaigning for fair electoral districts in the US. Basically you play as the person appointed to draw boundaries in the...
2009 election preview: Germany
Germany goes to the polls on September 27 for a federal election to elect a new Bundestag. Germany has been governed by a grand coalition of the two major parties in German politics. Angela Merkel has served as Chancellor as leader of the Christian...
2009 election preview: European Parliament
As well as the world's largest electorate in India, the world's second largest electorate goes to the polls in June, when all 27 European Union member states will elect over 700 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in the seventh European Parliament election. Elections...
New Queensland state boundaries
I've completed another Google Earth map. I've posted the new boundaries for this year's Queensland election on my maps page. You can also view the 2006 boundaries, and you can compare the two if you download them and look at them in Google Earth.
2009 election preview: Israel
The first big election of 2009 will take place on 10 February when Israelis go to the polls to elect a new Knesset. The election was triggered in late 2008 following the resignation of Ehud Olmert as leader of the governing Kadima party. Foreign...
Yet more maps: South Australia
I've finally finished off my electoral map of South Australia. The map is based on the new boundaries for the 2010 election and can be found at the maps page. Next stop, Queensland's new 2009 boundaries.