Queensland election preparations
Ben Raue -
With the possible imminent calling of a state election in Queensland, I've moved ahead with plans for election night coverage, using my Google Earth map of the new Queensland boundaries, which you can check out here. There's still some kinks to be worked out....
By-elections in WA?
Via Pollbludger, reports out of Western Australia suggest that by-elections may be imminent in the seats of two of the former Labor government's biggest figures: former Premier Alan Carpenter in Willagee and former Attorney-General Jim McGinty in the neighbouring seat of Fremantle. Pollbludger quotes...
Antony Green’s Queensland election guide
With the continuing speculation of an impending Queensland election, Antony Green has launched the ABC elections guide to the coming election.
All the usual features, profiles of electorates, indexes by candidate, electorate name and margin, and my famous Election Calculator.
Margins in strong Greens seats
There are a handful of seats in the House of Representatives where the Greens are within spitting distance of winning the seat. In nearly all of them, however, the true margin is hidden by the AEC's methods of measuring marginality. Margins are calculated by...
UK election animation
I've come across an interesting election animation, showing the electoral map of every UK election since the Reform Act of 1832, showing the geographical distribution of Conservative, Labour and Liberal/Liberal Democrat seats since that time as a cartogram.
You can clearly see the shift over...
Double Dissolution possibilities
Tim Andrews has written a post projecting what he thinks would happen to the Senate at a double dissolution or half senate election, concluding that either scenario would see the Greens control the balance of power, with Labor + Greens giving a majority, and...
RealClearWorld’s top 5 elections of 2009
A few days ago the website RealClearWorld came out with a list of the five elections it considers the most significant of 2009. They are:
Well worth a read.
Israeli electoral reform?
Israel is one of the only countries in the world where its entire legislature is elected to represent the country as a whole, and it is often blamed for Israel's unstable and rapidly-changing party system. It is true that Israel's pure form of proportional...
Early election possibilities
After Nick Xenophon voted against the government's stimulus package this afternoon, I've heard at least one journalist claim that, if the bill is blocked again tomorrow the government will have its first double dissolution trigger. Sadly for all of us election junkies, that isn't...
Blog post of the week
I know, I know, I don't actually do "blog post of the week", but a post today from Possum at Pollytics is the funniest I've read in a while:
The Qld Liberal/National Party recently released an economic document which you can see over here (the...