Moyes goes it alone
Ben Raue -
Every left-winger's favourite religious right politician, Gordon Moyes MLC, looks set to finally break his ties with Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party, with Nile moving to expel Moyes after a recent falling-out between the two.
Moyes joined the Legislative Council in 2002 when Fred Nile's...
Zuma headed for landslide
South Africa heads to the polls on Wednesday for their fourth post-apartheid election, and it seems clear that Jacob Zuma will lead the African National Congress to its fourth consecutive landslide victory.
The Democratic Alliance, one of the two major opposition parties, has shifted its...
An alcopops-fueled election?
The federal government announced earlier this week that they will bring back legislation for a 70% tax increase on pre-mixed alcoholic drinks. The legislation was first defeated a month ago when the government refused to agree to Steven Fielding's demand for a ban on...
The new wiki
I have now installed a complete wiki as part of the Tally Room. You can access it at, and I plan to start by including a federal pendulum for the next election, as well as corresponding pages for all 150 electorates. If you...
Greens kick off Senate preselection
In the last few days, the Greens in Australia's two largest states have closed nominations for their Senate preselections. In both NSW and Victoria, the process will be decided by a ballot of all members, although processes may vary in some ways. The Victorian...
Website update
I haven't yet managed to install the proper Wiki for this site. I started it over the long weekend but hopefully I can get it working over the next week. In the meantime I have suspended open user registration for this site, as I...
Should we have more federal MPs?
While it's not the biggest electoral reform issue on the table (I would consider introducing proportional representation to the House of Representatives much more significant), I've been thinking for a while that there is a strong argument for increasing the number of Members of...
New electoral maps – Ireland
There is no election scheduled in the Republic of Ireland for the next three years, but there is a good chance that the economic crisis may force an early election, and I have completed a Google Earth electoral map of constituencies in the Dail...
Indonesia goes to the polls
It's hard to find solid information, but a number of polling companies have produced exit polls, and according to the Jakarta Post's coverage of the exit polls, they all put Yudohoyono's party leading with about 20%, with Megawati's IDP-S coming second with around 15%...
A new Morgan senate poll
Roy Morgan polling has come out with a new poll measuring voting intention for the Senate, broken down according to each state and the ACT.
The poll predicts 34-35 ALP senators, 30-31 Coalition senators, 8-10 Greens and 2 Xenophon. It was conducted during March for...