Greens push for republic vote
Ben Raue -
The republican debate has been restarted this morning as a Senate inquiry has begun sitting to consider a Greens proposal for a plebiscite on a republic.
Monarchist and professional pompous gasbag David Flint has dismissed the idea in his usual style:
David Flint, a spokesman from...
Good riddance to bad newspapers
Listening to Radio New Zealand's Mediawatch podcast this morning, I heard this fascinating excerpt from ABC Radio National's Saturday Extra program three weeks ago, from former editor of The Age and publisher of online business publications The Business Spectator and the Eureka Report, Alan...
Specter switches parties
I haven't been covering the early movements in the lead-up to the 2010 U.S. mid-term elections on this blog. One of the key contests has been shaping up to be in Pennsylvania, where moderate Republican Senator Arlen Specter was facing a challenge from conservative...
Wrapping up South Africa
The final votes have been tallied in South Africa, and the results are in. The national and provincial tallies have been published at the World Elections blog, with the key part being the national tally for the major parties:
ANC 65.90% (-3.79%)
DA 16.66% (+4.29%)
COPE 7.42%...
Icelandic left coming to power
After yesterday's election, Iceland appears on track for a continuing Social Democrat/Left-Green coalition government, with the figures reflecting recent polling figures:
Iceland’s left wing parties are holding their advantage in the country’s parliamentary elections, but the Independence Party are resurgent. At 03.00 63 percent of...
South Africa update
Since I last updated yesterday morning, most of the votes in South Africa have been counted, and the vote percentages have shifted significantly.
With about 15 million votes counted, the latest figures are as follows:
ANC - 66.56%
DA - 15.95%
COPE - 7.5%
IFP - 4.45%
ID - 0.9%
Mapping update
I've added a few more maps today. I've completed the Google Earth map for the new Tasmanian boundaries for the next federal and state elections in 2010, and I've also uploaded a new version of the Queensland state map with the colours updated to...
The role of the internet in campaigning
Following Barack Obama's win in 2008, the dominant meme in election campaigning around the western world has been the importance of online campaigning and adopting the model Obama used.
Even in small western countries like Ireland, you find parties and politicians trying to get their...
Early South African returns
Polls have closed now in South Africa. I'll be at work soon and won't be able to keep up with the vote-counting, but some early results have come through.
Update: with about 266,000 votes cast (out of an estimated total of about 23 million), we...
Tasmanian upper house 2009
Three of Tasmania's fifteen Legislative Council electorate go to the polls on Saturday. Tasmania's Legislative Council members serve six year terms, with their terms gradualy expiring over a six-year cycle. These are the first elections sinc e Legislative Council boundaries were redrawn last year.