UK 2010 – Lib Dems surge

The UK held its first ever general election debate between party leaders on Thursday evening, and instant reaction polls showed a clear majority agreeing that Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats, came out as the winner. Voting intention polls since Friday have indicated...

UK 2010: Election guide updated

Profiles have now been posted for five of the nine regions of England. Profiles have been posted today for South West England, Eastern England and the East Midlands.

Map of Scotland completed

I have now finished my map of the 1997 Scottish boundaries, which means I have now posted a complete set of boundaries for all national and devolved elections since 1997. These boundaries were used for the 1997 and 2001 UK elections and the 1999,...

Guide to South East England posted

I have now posted a guide to a second English region. The South East of England is a region heavily dominated by Conservatives, even at their low-points. The party holds over two-thirds of seats, and is in with a chance of winning back most...

UK 2010: the straight choice

A fantastic online innovation in the UK general election campaign is The Straight Choice website. This website allows voters to upload reasonably high quality photos of election leaflets to the website, tag them for the party who produced the leaflet, where it was sent,...

Guide to London posted

I have begun a guide to the UK election today by posting a guide to the race in London. Over the next few weeks I plan to post guides to the race in the nine regions of England as well as in Scotland, Wales...

Brown to call UK election

Reports in the British media today are suggesting that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will visit the Queen today to dissolve the Parliament and trigger a UK general election for Thursday, 6 May. After a long period of Conservative dominance in the polls, the Labour...

Tasmania 2010: the results are in

The final seat in the Tasmanian state election was decided this evening, with Greens candidate Paul O'Halloran winning the final seat in Braddon. This has produced a result of 2 Labor, 2 Liberal and one Green in all five districts, adding up to a...

Tasmania 2010: Preference count

Preference counts for the five electorates in the Tasmanian state election are currently being undertaken by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission, and progressive counts are being posted on the TEC website for Bass, Braddon, Denison, Franklin and Lyons. Final update: The count has now concluded, with...

A tale of two systems

Last Saturday we saw state elections in Australia's two smallest states. Both states have been governed by the Labor Party for a number of terms and saw a resurgent Liberal Party threaten the ALP's hold on power. In both states, we saw a swing...