USA 2010: Ohio Senate

Ohio is a typical swing state, having gone to the winning presidential candidate at every election since 1964. Ohio's two Senate seats are currently split between the two parties. Both Ohio seats were held by the Democrats from the late 1970s until the early 1990s....

USA 2010: Colorado Senate

Colorado has recently acted as a swing state at all levels, moving back and forth between the Democrats and Republicans. Most recently, the Democrats won both Senate seats off the Republicans at the 2004 and 2008 elections This year's seat was won by Ken Salazar...

USA 2010: Senate elections

Voters in 37 US states will go to the polls on November to elect members of the US Senate. In 34 states, senators will be elected for full six-year terms, replacing those senators elected in 2004. In three other states, special elections will be held to...

USA 2010: Introducing the midterms

The United States of America holds federal elections every two years, always in even numbered years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Every two years, all 435 members of the House of Representatives and approximately one third of the US...

Liberal wins going to High Court?

Another barrier has been put in front of Tony Abbott forming a minority government. A constitutional provision prohibits anyone holding "an office of profit under the crown" from being elected to the federal Parliament. In the 1990s, this  saw two cases where members of the House...

Newly updated maps

I have gone through all of my Google Earth maps available for download from the blog for 2010 federal election boundaries, and updated the colours to the latest election results, assuming that seats in doubt such as Brisbane and Hasluck do not change hands. I...

Subscribe to the Tally Room’s RSS feed

I've had a lot of visitors in the last few days, despite the major outage suffered on the weekend. While visiting the site, you should all consider subscribing to the Tally Room's post feed. While I expect things to calm down once a new government is...

New counts in Denison and Grayndler

I spent today in the AEC's counting centre in Sydney where the AEC was conducting a new two-candidate preferred count between the ALP and Greens, due to the Greens outpolling the Liberal Party on primary votes. On the first day, the AEC completed the...

Hung parliament scenarios

While we are clearly heading for a hung paarliament now, the exact nature of this hung parliament depend a great deal on the exact make-up of the Parliament. It is now clear that we will see sitting rural independent MPs Rob Oakeshott, Bob Katter and...

The State of the Senate

Remarkably, the result in the Senate is much more clear-cut than the result in the House of Representatives. The Greens are on track to win a Senate seat in all six states, giving them a total of nine seats. This clean sweep is a feat...