Tasmanian preference distribution update – final day

The distribution of preferences concluded today in the final three electorates: Bass, Braddon and Lyons, after Clark and Franklin concluded on Friday. The final seat result was 14 Liberal, 10 Labor, 5 Greens, 3 Jacqui Lambie Network and 3 independents: David O'Byrne, Kristie Johnston and...

Tasmanian preference distribution update – day four

The count is nearing the end, with Clark and Franklin finishing their count today. Quite a few candidates reached quotas today, with most of the unclear races now resolved. It now looks likely that Craig Garland will defeat Liberal Giovanna Simpson for the final seat in...

By-election incoming for Northern Tablelands

NSW Nationals MP Adam Marshall announced his retirement yesterday, which will force a by-election for his state seat of Northern Tablelands in the New England region of NSW. Northern Tablelands has always been a strong area for the Nationals, but has also been a strong...

Tasmanian preference distribution update – day three

Quite a lot of counting was conducted today, with Braddon particularly proving interesting. Any remaining doubt about the party breakdown in Franklin and Lyons has now been cleared up. The only seats left unclear are: Craig Garland or Vonette Mead (Liberal) for the final seat in...

Tasmanian preference distribution update – day two

We had a lot more counting today in all five electorates. At this point Clark is entirely clear. There are two seats where the winning party is not completely clear: In Braddon, there seems to be a real chance that the Greens or Craig Garland could...

Tasmanian preference distribution update – day one

The process of counting primary votes for the Tasmanian state election concluded yesterday, and we started to see preferences distributed in three of five electorates. Tasmania doesn't data-enter ballot papers like for most PR counts in Australia. Instead, each round of preference distributions is conducted...

Podcast #118: India goes to the polls

Ben is joined by Sofia Ammassari from Griffith University to discuss the upcoming Indian federal election. The world's largest democracy is going to the polls in April, May and June, with Narendra Modi's BJP looking set for a third term in office. We discuss the electoral...

Comparing the Greens vote in Brisbane in 2022 and 2024

There's been a lot of discussion comparing the recent City of Brisbane council election to the 2022 federal election. Both elections saw a high Greens vote. At the federal election, the Greens won three seats in the inner city of Brisbane, something which exceeded...

Podcast #117: Tasmania elects a hung parliament

Ben is joined by Kevin Bonham to wrap up the Tasmanian state election. We discuss the close undecided races, what might come next for parliamentary negotiations, and what it means for May's upper house election. This podcast is supported by the Tally Room’s supporters on Patreon....

Tasmania 2024 – the close races

In this post I'm going to run through each seat in depth, explaining who I think has won and which seats are in play. To summarise, at the moment I have 15 Liberals, 10 Labor, 5 Greens, 3 JLN and two independents in the lead. I...