Tasmanian Legislative Council election results
Ben Raue -
7:38pm - Most booths have now reported in all three seats, and in Derwent and Mersey the result seems pretty clear. In Windermere, Ivan Dean is sitting on 43.9%, ahead of Labor's Houston on 28.7%. That's probably enough for Dean to win.
6:53pm - I...
iVote – the other side of the story
Two weeks ago, I wrote a post explaining the problems that have cropped up around the NSW Electoral Commission's iVote internet voting system, and the broader questions it raises about the future of electronic and internet voting.
After discussing the issue further with various experts,...
NSW 2015 – voters shift away from election day and postal voting
The recent NSW state election saw a continuation of the long-term trend of less and less people casting ordinary election-day votes. In addition, in 2015 we saw the trend of increasing numbers of voters casting absentee votes or postal votes reversed, with those categories...
Post-election website update
Now that the NSW election is coming to a close, I wanted to give an update on how the website is going, and my plans for the coming months.
Yesterday I posted my guide for the Tasmanian Legislative Council elections on May 2nd. After this, there...
The next election – Tasmanian Legislative Council guide launched
At this point, we are largely finished with the NSW state election, although I have a few more blog posts to come later this week.
The next election coming up, and the only remaining state election for 2015, is the Legislative Council election in Tasmania.
NSW 2015 – Legislative Council count finalised
Earlier today the NSW Electoral Commission "pushed the button" for the Legislative Council election, and approximately half an hour we had a result in the Legislative Council.
As expected, the Coalition won nine seats, Labor won seven, the Greens won two and the Christian Democratic...
NSW 2015 – Greens vote concentrated
One of the stories on election night was the mixed news for the Greens. On the one hand, the party had a tremendous result in the lower house, retaining Balmain and notionally retaining the new seat of Newtown, and surprising most pundits (including myself)...
iVote – how did it go so wrong?
At the recent NSW state election, the iVote internet voting system was used for the second time. The internet voting system is one of the first in the world, and was used by a much larger number of voters in 2011, but not without...
NSW 2015 – another Legislative Council update
We're now getting quite close to the end of the Legislative Council count, and the button is expected to be pushed at some point later this week.
The 'initial count' of above-the-line votes is almost complete - there are a small number of seats where absent...
Do our state Electoral Commissions have enough to do the job?
Last week, while we were all distracted by the NSW election, the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) made a submission to a parliamentary inquiry warning that cuts to its funding may affect its ability to administer Tasmanian elections.
The TEC has been hit by funding cuts from...