Canning by-election guide posted

Federal Liberal MP Don Randall passed away during July, triggering a by-election for his seat of Canning. The by-election date has not been set, but it is expected to be held in late 2015 - likely in September or October. Canning is a seat on the...

WA state redistribution – draft map posted

In July, the draft electoral boundaries for the next WA state election were released. I've now posted the draft boundaries for both the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council, and they can be downloaded from the maps page. The below map shows the new boundaries, and...

WA redistribution and Canning – open thread

There are two major electoral events in Western Australia which kicked off last week. I'm still working on maps for these projects, so this is an open thread for discussion on these topics until later this week. The draft electoral boundaries for the 2017 WA...

Map update – WA ward maps

Western Australia will be holding council elections on 17 October 2015 - over the course of the subsequent year, there will be local government elections across Australia's four largest states. Since the 2008 elections, I've produced ward maps for councils in New South Wales, Victoria...

Yes, rules matter, and they need to be fixed

On Saturday, Fairfax newspapers published an op-ed from Richard Denniss, chief economist at The Australia Institute, arguing against the proposed reforms to abolish group voting tickets (GVT) and introduce optional preferential voting (OPV) for Senate elections. Unfortunately the article gets quite a lot wrong about...

Brisbane – draft ward boundaries released

The Electoral Commission of Queensland on Friday released its draft boundaries for the 26 wards covering the City of Brisbane - Australia's biggest local council. The process is similar to processes followed for state, territory and federal electoral redistributions, a number of which are currently...

Local government mergers – in WA and New Zealand

While New South Wales is currently undergoing a process of considering metropolitan council amalgamations, Western Australia has recently reached the unsuccessful conclusion of a similar process - which ended with a number of overwhelming 'no' votes in local referendums and an abandonment of the...

NSW government pushing for council mergers

Local councils across Sydney are currently going through a process of making submissions to the state government's 'Fit For The Future' program, which is aimed at judging councils on a bunch of criteria, seemingly with the goal of consolidating the number of local councils,...

Why can’t Greater Sydney be run as a democracy?

There was a story yesterday about plans by the NSW government to form a "Greater Sydney Commission", which would take charge of planning for development across Sydney, and seemingly also have some kind of responsibility for infrastructure and transport. Apparently the Commission was announced in...

NT redistribution – draft boundary map finished

Following up on Wednesday's post about the Northern Territory redistribution, I've now completed my Google Earth map of the electoral boundaries. You can download the map here, and it's embedded below (sorry no stats, just the boundaries). As explained last week, the Alice Springs area effectively...