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Hi, I’m Ben Raue, and I run the Tally Room website. I’ve been running this website since 2008, covering elections in Australia.

I’ve focused on publishing useful data and background information to make it easier for my readers to understand Australian elections, alongside my own analysis and predictions. I’d like to think I’m known for being fair and rising above my own biases in my analysis.

I’ve particularly specialised in publishing thorough guides to each election, including informative maps for each electorate as well as candidate lists, past results and the history and geography of the seat. I’ve now published such a guide for every state and federal election since 2010. These guides have also been popular places to have discussions about a specific electorate in the comments sections.

I’ve also been publishing boundary maps for every Australian state and territory electoral redistribution over the last decade, as well as local government boundaries for most of the country and ward maps for Australia’s three biggest states.

More recently, I began compiling results from various state and local elections and publishing the results in an easy-to-use format, in my data repository. A lot of these results are hard to access, published as PDFs or even image files. I’ve aimed to publish them in a single spreadsheet, with matching files listing the polling places with latitudes and longitudes (often not provided by the electoral commission), and full lists of candidates.

Of course I also provide my own analysis and coverage of results, but the niche for this website has always been providing this foundational data which can help everyone do better work analysing elections.

You can become a member of the Tally Room for $8 or more per month via Patreon.

Membership gets you access to:

  • Paywalled election guides
  • The full data repository
  • Ad-free podcast feed
  • Members-only Discord

Every dollar helps me provide more information to help you understand all of Australia’s elections.

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