Wentworth – Australia 2025

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  1. I’d be interested to see, post-election, how the Labor vote in the newly added parts of Wentworth (South of Clovelly Road and west of Elizabeth Bay) will convert into the teal vote.

    I’m tipping Spender will retain. Dave Sharma’s personal vote helped hold up the Liberal vote last election. This time, there is no incumbent Liberal.

  2. Spender’s inclination to vote with the Liberals more often than the other teals hasn’t gone unnoticed either, suspect of all the teal seats they’ll throw the least at this one and mostly be happy to leave her in place for a while as the 2PP makes it a notionally Labor seat in her absence over time.

  3. Spender will hold easily this seat is now marginal even in a good year for the libs. Tbh asap lib voters I’m happy for her to sit on this seat until parliament expands in order to keep it off labor


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