Senate – Tasmania – Australia 2025

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  1. I don’t rate Jacqui Lambie’s reelection odds that highly anymore.

    Ironically, JLN’s gains at the recent Tasmanian election could split the party. Many minor parties that get 1 or more MPs elected, other than the leader, end up imploding within a term e.g. One Nation, UAP, SFF, NXT (Centre Alliance) and more recently at the federal level, JLN. I could be wrong and the state JLN stays intact throughout the first term.

    A Senate result of LNP 3, ALP 2, GRN 1 looks more likely than LNP 2, ALP 2, GRN 1, JL 1. JL’s personal vote may save her if it’s strong enough.

  2. @votante agreed she gets a higher vote when coalition is in office due to Labor preferences although il rate her chances as fair this time I think Tammy tyrell will be defeated and jln won’t get another senator in 2028.

  3. Will Hodgeman should probably run since he no longer is a diplomat, and he will argue he can help the Libs wrestle back the lost senate seat.

  4. @daniel t unless one of the incumbents retires, the Tasmanian Liberal senate ticket was already locked last year as:

    1. Claire Chandler
    2. Richard Colbeck
    3. Jacki Martin


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