Scullin – Australia 2025

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  1. The Victorian Socialists candidate for Calwell, Omar Hassan, will now contest Scullin. The reasoning is due to ‘personal respect and solidarity’ for the Greens candidate in Calwell, Mohammed El-Masri, as well as living in Thomastown which is in Scullin.

  2. Victorian Socialists may get a slight boost, but without their fly in fleet of doorknockers like they had for the state election it mightn’t be so easy. Labor could easily be knocked down under 40 on primary but still win the seat comfortably

  3. Victorian Socialists came third on primary votes in Thomastown at the 2022 Vic election (yes, even beating the Greens). It’s plausible that they could grab a slice of the very large, disaffected anti-establishment vote.

  4. Hoping there will be a One Nation and Libertarian party candidate in Scullin to clean up this mess. All lefties will be last on my ballot for sure.

  5. This wasn’t really mentioned but the Liberal candidate here Joel Drysdale has withdrawn his candidacy over Section 44 issues.

  6. @James (irelxnd) Not like the Liberals had a chance in this seat anyway despite its outer suburban nature. In fact the Greens probably have a better chance to unseat Giles than the Liberals due to the protest vote away from Labor most likely going to VS and left candidates that will preference the Greens.

  7. This isn’t really an outer suburban seat. The southern half of this seat is less than 14km from the Melbourne CBD. And it is very established. Very middle suburban. Not like a McEwen, Hawke, Lalor etc.

  8. @Adam I would’ve thought suburbs like Lalor, Thomastown and Mill Park would be more outer suburbia than middle suburbia, not to mention the likes of Epping and Mernda in the northern extremities. It’s one of the reasons why there was a huge swing against Labor against the national trend, which was replicated in Calwell and McEwen, both of which are also outer suburban seats.

  9. @Tommo9 – Agreed. The Liberals weren’t ever in the running for this seat. About VS though, I’d actually say they would more be in the running due to the profile of their candidate and a growing supporter base, and the Greens only recently choosing their candidate, but unseating a minister in a Labor heartland seat would be impossible IMO, unless the protest vote is much larger than expected.


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