Petrie – Australia 2025

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  1. Longer term this is an electorate that Labor needs to target
    @ NP
    I will include details for you to calculate the overlapping state results.
    State seats
    Parts of Aspley, Bancroft, Murrumba, Redcliffe and Sandgate
    1. Aspley
    2. Bald Hills
    3. Bracken Ridge
    4. Bridgeman Downs
    5. Clontarf
    6 Clontarf Beach
    7. Fitzgibbon
    8. Griffin
    9. Kippa-Ring
    10. Mango Hill
    11. Margate
    12. Moreton Downs (in Deception Bay)
    14. Rothwell
    15. Scarsborough
    16. Taigum
    17. Woody Point

  2. State TPP here (2024):

    * Labor: 53.0%
    * LNP: 47.0%

    Labor did 7.4% better on the state level in 2024 here than on the federal level in 2022. Note that this only includes some prepolls from districts other than Redcliffe.

  3. @ Nether Portal, Much appreciated. I will get Longman ready for you like i did above tonight and will get Bonner ready for you tommorow.

  4. According to The Poll Bludger, this seat contains:

    * 41% of Aspley
    * 91% of Bancroft
    * 34% of Murrumba
    * 100% of Redcliffe
    * 49% of Sandgate

  5. I don’t understand why Labor haven’t done better here in the past. Even now after the Queensland election, state Labor holds 4 of the 5 seats in Petrie. State politics and federal politics don’t align, but you’d think that would at least account for something.

  6. @nick not in qld no. people seem to always vote differently at state and federal level. at a state level they are voting for things like hospitals and school


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