Pearce – Australia 2025

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  1. This seat had WA’s largest election-day booth at Landsdale Primary School, with 2521 votes cast.

  2. There was an article in the ABC talking about mortgage, household and renter stress and this electorate was extremely high. Given the exceptional circumstances of the 2022 election and the previous unpopular and controversial high profile member as well as the long conservative history of this seat Labor will have a large swing against them here. At this point I’d say this seat is a toss up and could go either way.

  3. @spacefish im in agreement there is high mortage, rental and household stress in this electorate. the test will be the WA state election where Labor holds the overlapping seats between 25-32% margins. though people may take their anger out on the state govt where it can sustain more then a 9% swing. but yea nothing is safe in WA in these liberal heartland seats. Labor won Wa on the back of Mark McGowan and Scomo dissing WA voters. now those same voters have had anti WA policies either brought against them or under threat or bringing them.

  4. @Mike outer suburban seats margins are rubbery just look at McEwen in 2013 with a 9.1 buffer to less then 0.1. I could see a situation where Labor holds Tangney with little to no swing towards or against due to cost of living pressures being less prominent compared to an electorate like this.

  5. @spacefish…sorry I may not have explained myself clearly. My point was that a lot of the voters in Oearce were not there last time. I agree with you re volatility in outer suburban seats like your great example of McEwen which I in danger. I also would not be surprised if Pearce swings a lot more than WA as a whole. I think the biggest swings will be in outer suburban seats like Pearce.


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