New England – Australia 2025

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  1. I’d be shocked if Barnaby increased his vote share after his drunken escapade on the streets of Canberra, he not only made himself a bigger joke in Australia but an international joke as well.

  2. @Caleb I doubt that would affect his margin. This is a very safe Nationals seat and Labor has only ever held for seven of the 123 years it has existed (Frank Forster served as the member from 1906 until 1913), and that’s not changing anytime soon.

  3. @Caleb that’s a bit disingenuous he was clearly in distress after consuming alcohol mixed with prescription drugs. The person who filmed that without stopping to offer assistance should be more ashamed

  4. I would be surprised if Barnaby doesn’t increase his vote share. Nothing he has done recently is much worse than what he has done before. The voters in New England seem happy with that

  5. Classic regional seat where Labor have totally lost the plot. Back in the 80s they were in spitting distance of winning New England and held the state seat of Northern Tablelands. Then they outsourced to Windsor and Torbay – went swimmingly for a while – especially for them. Then they crashed – spectacularly. What is left – massive National Party margins and Labor playing left right out with consequent losses of morale, resources and most importly – senate votes.

  6. @redistributed that is because the labor has been hijacked by the activists and is no longer the party of the worker most of which in these sorts of seats like coal mining would have been unionised and therefore why they could win just like why labor still win seats like collie Preston, pillars and Kimberley. Bob matter and his father were what they self described as “old labor” but the labor party if the 80s is gone. Bob Hawke would be rolling in his grave.

  7. Hypothetically speaking, is there any conceivable future form of the Labor party that could ever be competitive in or win these regional seats? What kind of policy platform would be needed? Is it even possible for a left-of-centre or centrist party to win conservative rural seats?

  8. Probably not. In the same way a right of centre party could never win inner city seats like Melbourne, Wills, Grayndler, Sydney, Adelaide, Fremantle, Canberra and Clark.


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