Monash – Australia 2025

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  1. I don’t think that Russell Broadbent has confirmed whether he is running again or not, but he does seem to be maintaining an online media presence. Anyone with inside knowledge on this electorate? If he were to run again as an independent, would he have a reasonable chance of winning?

  2. He is still the MP but he is 74 and there have been reports that he may not be in the best of health. He doesn’t get much reporting in the South Gippsland media. He ran a very low key campaign in 2022 and the result showed. He was pretty comprehensively dumped by the party. If he ran maybe 10%.

  3. i doubt he could win the seat. he was comprehensively dumped by the memebership so i doubt he would pull any serious vote. time to retire gracefully and enjoy life i think for him

  4. At present, it’s unconfirmed. He hasn’t announced running as an independent nor has he announced his retirement.

  5. If Labor was as popular as they were in 2022 they could potentially mount a credible campaign to win this seat on Broadbent’s preferences. Labor somehow retaining/notional gaining Bass suggests there’s at least something to work with.

    On the other hand, Labor is pretty much dead in the Latrobe Valley for the foreseeable future. They don’t really have a solid base to win the seat. Plus I don’t see Monash being the exception to Labors apparent new woes in Victoria

  6. @mick not really he was convincingly beaten in preselection so his own party members dont even want him. also the election is going to see a swing to liberal agaisnt labor especially in victoria given continous polling no way labor wins here. maybe they could get broadbent relected if he runs but thats about it.

    @blue as in the 2022 federal election the 2022 vic election was a high watermark for labor that has since been hammered since those elections expected labor to lose Bass in 2026

  7. This is very close to Melbourne for a regional seat. Being beaten in a part preselection only means some one was ambitious and there was no will to protect him.He is more than the classic liberal party Maddie. I have doubts the rainbow of votes in Vic will happen.
    In Vic re the metro seats in play are Deakin Menzies and Aston all where the liberals are advantaged .Also Nicolls and Wannon are in danger to independents.

  8. I agree that Mick that Russell’s candidacy would, along with Deb Leonard’s presence, split the Liberal vote, and advantage either Labor or Ms Leonard herself!

  9. Mick. He was beaten because it was time for home to be replaced he served his constituents well but hes at that age where it was time to bring in the next generation and for the next few decades Broadbent is pushing 74 and wouldn’t have been around for much longer. All those seats you mention will be won by the coalition. These are outsiders like Sophie Mirabella and the Libs will recover from 2022.

    Politic Labor won’t be getting any advantage in an election they are gonna go backwards Labor is playing a purely defensive game this election and are devoting all their resources to defend seats.

  10. Think very small numbers of people voted in the liberal preselection. If all the seats I suggested were won by the liberals then this is effectively a status quo of 2022 result.

  11. of 193 votes mary aldred received 161. the remaining 32 were split evenly at 16 each to Broadbent and Nathan Hersey. a comprehensive defeat if therer ever was one. Mary Aldred is not a lame duck candidate and should win the seat easily. the independent and labor wont be a hreat here. Broadbent should retire gracefully as he is 74 and its time for him t retire and enjoy his later years with his family so that a new generation of Liberals can continue to represent the people of monash for many years to come.

  12. Less than 200 people out of in excess of 100 000 voters!
    Mr Broadbent does have a personal vote here to what extent I don’t know but i would say that it prevented this seat being in play for multiple elections With Morwell hived off mainly into Gippsland this seat via demographics is shifting labors’ way.. Of course the liberals are most likely to win here but then again….?

  13. he managed just over 8% of his own branch members. he wouldnt do much better then that on his primary vote as an independent.

  14. Broadbent has hung on too long and the preselection proves it. Mary Aldred has been very active and very visible. Deb Leonard – the Teal – has come out if the fates early and actively. The state government seems to be on the nose here – roads are bad, Gippsland trains. Would not be surprised to see Labor come third.

  15. The way I see it is:
    If Broadbent.runs he has an outside chance of being re relected or helps labor.
    If decides not to run..then his personal vote> 5% would be lost to the liberals as he won by 3% approx makes interesting times potentially.

  16. Mick
    I spend a lot of time in South Gippsland. Russell Broadbent has low visibility and in 2022 ran an invisible campaign. Seriously, I don’t think he has much of a personal vote. He rarely gets mentioned in the local paper because he doesn’t do anything. The local National and Labor state MPs do lots and get coverage. Mary Aldred is out and about to. If he ran – about 8%. As for Labor, they don’t even have a candidate yet. As above – would not be surprised if they come third. You do seem to love flogging the dead horse of Russell Broadbent.

  17. The payouts for being defeated seem to motivate deselected MPs to run and lose rather than disapoearing gracefully.

  18. I think Labor, due to a statewide anti-incumbency swing and choosing to run dead to sandbag their own seats, will see a drop in the primary vote. I am not sure what sort of traction Deb Leonard is getting but it’s possible she’ll overtake Labor.

    @Mick, I doubt George Christensen would’ve won Dawson as a One Nation candidate. He quit the LNP sometime last term and joined One Nation. One Nation usually don’t make the 2PP at federal elections.

  19. Deb Leonard seemed to be running an active campaign when I was visiting the area before Christmas.

    I’d agree that Russell Broadbent would probably struggle to crack 10% running as an independent, in which case it will be important where his preferences go. I can see a plausible scenario where at the 4CP stage it’s Broadbent 4th, Leonard 3rd, Labor 2nd, Liberal 1st, in which case the proportion of Broadbent voters who preference Leonard above the Liberals would be crucial in determining whether she gets above Labor into the 2CP (at which point she would presumably pick up the vast majority of Labor preferences).

    Incidentally, this seat (in its previous incarnation as McMillan) was won in 1972 by the Country Party from 3rd and a 16.6% primary, in a pretty similar scenario to 2025 (sitting Liberal member disendorsed and contested as an independent, only getting 6% himself but helping to get the Country Party over the Liberals into the 2CP with his preferences).

  20. The Nationals could run here. They hold Morwell and South Gippsland at the state level. They ran in the state seat of Bass in 2022 – they might have delivered it to Labor who only won by 200 or so votes. Hard to see Broadbent preferencing Deb Leonard but the leakage could be key. Deb Leonard’s problem will be trying to make cut through in Warrigul and the Valley – a long way and very different from her Phillip Island home base. It is also worth remembering that One Nation do quite well here particularly in the Valley.

  21. That’s a valid point about One Nation (and they’ll presumably absorb much of the UAP vote from last time too). In 2022 Leonard got about 50% of One Nation/UAP preferences at the 3CP stage. Given likely preference flows, I think she has a realistic chance if she gets above 15% (from 10% in 2022) and the Liberal (or Liberal + National if the Nationals run) and Labor primaries are below 40 and 30 respectively.

  22. Russell Broadbent has officially announced that he is running again. He is supporting oil and gas so presumably won’t be swapping preferences with Deb Leonard.

  23. Liberal hold, if Russel Broadbent hadn’t ran in 2022 Labor could have possibly won here. With two independents running here and how unpopular Labor seems to be in Victoria at the moment I don’t see this falling.

  24. As of 4pm this afternoon, Tully Fletcher has been announced as the Labor candidate. The South Gippsland Sentinel Times has the full press release … and frankly it is the biggest piece of central casting self serving tosh I have ever read. He works for Delloites in government relationships after coming out of Martin Pakula’s office. He has placed an emphasis on roads … he might like to chat to his state pals to get the potholes fixed.

  25. A grenade has been thrown into the Monash campaign. One of the proponents of an offshore wind farm west of Wilsons Prom has left open the possibility of 55 metre high high-voltage lines and towers marching across the landscape of South Gippsland from the coast to the Latrobe Valley. One of the local lobby groups has accused Chris Bowen of contradictory signals. Better than it has come to the surface three months before the election than three months after.

  26. That depends if your Chris Bowen or not. This will have wide ranging effects beyond Monash as it will be used in seats like Whitlam, Shortland Gilmore and Eden monaro

  27. Anything that lowers the Labor primary here (and their very late nomination of a candidate suggests they aren’t trying very hard) would make it more likely for an independent to get into the 2CP (with a serious chance of winning should they do so).

  28. It’s plausible that Labor will see a lower primary vote, maybe even falling out of the 2CP if an independent does well. Both Deb Leonard and Russell Broadbent are heavily vested.

    The Greens will likely direct preferences to Deb Leonard as they tend to preference the teals ahead of Labor. I’m not sure if Russell Broadbent himself is personally popular here so I can’t predict if he’ll make the 2CP. I would be unsurprised if he gets preference flows from One Nation and other minor right wing parties.

  29. The preference/exclusion order issues here will probably be complex with six candidates likely to get at least 6-7%. Broadbent’s problem is that the only place he’s likely to get many 2nd preferences from is One Nation (and the Liberals, but their preferences won’t be distributed), but unless he gets near or above 10% primary he may not last long enough in the count to receive them – it will probably help him if the Nationals run (which would further complicate the situation). On the other hand, if he does get as far as the final three he’s likely to be ranked above the majors by most of those outside the top three (the same applies for Leonard).

    In 2022 One Nation were 4th (after distribution of minor preferences), and those preferences went something like 50 Leonard, 37 Liberal, 13 Labor.

    My feeling continues to be that Deb Leonard could win from a primary above 15%, and has an excellent chance if she tops 20. Russell Broadbent probably needs a bit more than that as I think the proportion of Green/Leonard preferences that would go to Labor in a Broadbent-Labor contest to get into the 2CP is higher than the proportion of Green/Broadbent preferences that would go to Labor in a Leonard-Labor contest.

  30. The South Gippsland Sentinal Times has also indicated that the Nationals will run – but no candidate has been identified yet.

  31. I think people are over estiming the others and seriously devaluing the liberals. The nats will not run here the same way the libs won’t run in Calare. It was an elected liberal seat. Mick broadbent and labor aren’t out polling the libs. The candidate it no lame duck. Libs will finish first and win the seat.

  32. Of the four state seats that overlap with Monash – two are held by the Nats – one safe one marginal, one safe Liberal and one very marginal Labor. The Nats running in Bass in 2022 may have cost the Libs the seat. Anyway, the Nats have left it a bit late.

  33. @redistributed as I stated before the libs will have claimed the seat as an elected liberal seat. The member is not retiring so I’d say that’s why. I doubt the nats running in bass affected the seat of bass the libs cost themselves the seat of bass the libs weren’t overly great at the last election they went backwards in a few seats And labor will lose bass in 2026.

  34. The nats prolly helped the libs tbh. The Victorian nats exceeded the performance of the libs in they managed to unseat 3 “independents” against the grain

  35. Broadbent won’t win. Labor’s more likely to win than Broadbent.

    Liberal hold, probably a swing to the Liberals on COL plus Broadbent wasn’t all that popular. It should’ve been safer during his time, not sure what happened to make it a marginal seat given while it does take in battleground areas like Pakenham it also includes half of the seat of South Gippsland if I recall correctly.

  36. @nether portal I can’t see anyone but liberals winning. Broadbent could but I can’t see everything needed to go his way. The teal only managed 10% last time. It will be a lib vs labor battle. Liberal will win.

  37. So far only the Libs and Deb Leonard have run an active campaign – Broadbent cruising along as the incumbent. Broadbent unlikely to preference Leonard as he is pro Nuclear and not keen on renewables. One Nation could preference Broadbent higher than the Libs but that probably wouldn’t make a difference. I would not be surprised if Leonard outpolls Labor if not in the first round then once Greens preferences are distributed though ON voters more likely to back Labor than Leonard. I would put the Libs in the box seat but there is a risk that there could be a spray of preferences not dissimilar to what might happen in Calare though there Gee would be more popular than Broadbent. The Nats running could sink the Libs – more preferences – more leakage.

  38. there are reports Leonard and Broadbent are exchnagin preferences but i havent seen any confirmation of this. also the nats dont look to be contesting here.

  39. The enemy of my enemy is my friend….
    Still a put liberals last strategy could help some one win.

  40. Leonar didnt poll taht well in 2022 and it was still a lib v labor contest. cant see her winning. broadbent an outside chance maybe.

  41. Deb Leonard will do better than Broadbent. If he did direct preferences to Leonard, Mary Aldred might be in trouble . Last time the Greens prefs flowed very strongly to Labor but Leonard picked up just over 50% of ON prefs. The latter suggests a ‘pox on both your houses’ from a high percentage of voters.


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