Lalor – Australia 2025

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  1. Population has exploded in this part Melbourne. It will be interesting to see how well Liberals do in the by-election as it might indicate how well the Labor is fairing this part of Melbourne.

  2. @spacefish federaly this is safe labor territory while they may make inroads at a state level they wont even get close federally.

  3. There probably will be a swing to Libs here and may go do 57% TPP for Libs. There is less Muslims here and more Hindus so Palestine will be less of a factor compared to Calwell. in 2022, there was no real anti-lockdown swing here.

  4. There probably will be a swing to Libs here and may go do 57% TPP for Libs. There is less Muslims here and more Hindus so Palestine will be less of a factor compared to Calwell. in 2022, there was no real anti-lockdown swing here.


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