Indi – Australia 2025

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  1. As someone who lives here I’d definitely agree with the tpp statement. However on the swing i think the liberals bottomed out and will recover especially if they play the what will you do in the event of a hung parliament. I’ve even told the branch to do so and will be doing that personally. Especially if the guy who dresses up when hands he out flyers turns up. And he will because it’s me.

  2. Mick for once we agree on something. I met Sophie at the 2013 candidates forum in Wodonga. She was quite rude to me and basically didn’t show any interest in having a conversation. I still voted out of loyalty to the party but was not surprised. To be honest I found the hap guy quite interesting. The last two candidates were quite good and deserved to win I’m friends with previous candidate Ross Lyman now too after meeting him at several election day vooths across multiple state and federal elections now. and in the street. I haven’t met the new candidate but the members really think he’s got a shot but I think haines will hold on a reduced margin.if she backs a Labor minority govt she will have serious problems in 2028. If the liberals ran any other candidate in 2013 or 2016 they might have won


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