Hume – Australia 2025

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  1. This electorate might be the one that has shrunk the most owing to the redistribution.

    I’m tipping Angus Taylor retains with a swing to him.

    Goulburn was removed from Hume in the redistribution. In 2022, an independent candidate from Goulburn scored really well there but less so in SW Sydney. With her absence, Taylor will recover his primary vote.

  2. The removal of Goulburn will help his vote due to the fact that the area it now occupies is Liberal territory. The new seat most people drew was arou d this area and tipped to be a Liberal seat.

  3. The independent is not running apparently. She says the personal abuse that she and her family suffered was too much.

  4. If Labor can figure out how to get back in Fowler and not fall off in Werriwa, then they can’t be ruled out here. At the state level Wollondilly is Ind held and Camden is Labor held, both 2023 gains. Labor would at least have scope to run a real campaign and do internal polling here. We should be able to tell how seriously they’re taking the seat soon.

    Angus Taylor is high profile but not necessarily for positive reasons. What does that mean for the suburban growth areas and the the areas newly coming into the division from safe Labor seats?

    Likely Lib retain but more interesting than usual due to the redistribution and greater question of how well Labor is doing in outer suburbs

  5. @blue no john labor wont win Fowler Hume and will have problems in werriwa. If Carbone runs in Mcmahon bowen is likely to lose that. Jason Clare could be in trouble in Blaxland and the libs are likly to put on a good show in Parramatta. labors game this election is gonna be purely defenseive they may not have many resources to spare to go on the ttack. Hume will reelect angus taylor this is solid liberal territory

  6. This seat should not be a problem for Angus Taylor this time.But when Labor is popular enough to win Government,he will need to watch out.

  7. The mortgage stress will lead to protest votes against Labor. Camden LGA, where most people in Hume are, is one of the worst for mortgage stress. Mike Freelander had a strong personal vote in Macarthur and the inclusion of Leppington and Oran Park into Hume means that Labor support would drop.

    It’s interesting seeing Angus Taylor as a rep for SW Sydney as historically he’s been associated with Goulburn and the Southern Highlands.

  8. The boundaries here now are much more sensible. In a very good election Labor could be competitive here.
    I understand Mr Taylor could lose in a liberal party preselection further down the track

  9. John, Mick might have a point in that Labor could win Hume but only under a landslide type environment (2007 style result or better), and that would have to coincide with Angus Taylor’s retirement.

  10. But you are correct that outcome would be unlikely to occur for the foreseeable future, even though the Liberal Party holds none of the 3 overlapping state districts (Camden and Leppington are Labor held, with Wollondilly held by teal independent Judy Hannan).

  11. @yoh an yea but we all know people vote differently at state level then they do at federal because they are voting on different issues.

    also im pretty sure leppington is not in HUme and that was a new district with no sitting member both Wollondill and Camden are on small margins won in a year when the Libs were on the way out due to an aging govt and the labor party couldnt even manage a majority. id expect both Wollondilly and Camden to be retaken in 2027 and Leppington maybe an outside chance especially if Albos in got still.

    His margin is still over 7% in a year when there was a strong swing against the Liberal party. his margin will likely return to 10%+ this election and even stronger in 2028.

    Furthermore i reckon the Liberal opposition in Nsw has a good chance of defeating the first term Minns govt in 2027 as they only need to win effectively the 6 marginals which are traditional liberal seats. If albo is stil in office in 2027 they wlll likely be returned in majority

  12. Today, when asked if a future Coalition government would continue to support Ukraine, Angus Taylor replied “We’re fully supportive of the Ukraine at this time”.

    At. This. Time.

    My first reaction was: Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus.

    My second reaction is to wonder whether Taylor has seen the episode of The Thick Of It, where Malcolm Tucker berates Nicola Murray for saying the Prime Minister is the right man “for the moment”.

    If you know, you know.

  13. @Real Talk I think he was referring to “this time” as the current situation.

    As for whether the Coalition will support Ukraine, I guarantee they will.

    Previous Coalition governments were supportive of Ukraine since the Russo-Ukrainian War began with the annexation of Crimea in 2014 (this is going back to Tony Abbott, followed by Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison).

    The only “benefit” that Peter Dutton would find in not supporting Ukraine would be that Donald Trump might like him more. But it really doesn’t make a difference other than making us look stupid if we supported the barbaric invasion, since Australia doesn’t have much of a say when it comes to issues outside our region since we’re not in NATO.

  14. Australia has a special vested interest in Ukraine because of the shooting down of MH17 and the large numbers of Australian citizens and residents on board. Cuddling up to Trump is almost tantamount to cuddling up to Putin. Peter Dutton was quick off the mark the other day to support Ukraine. I think a Dutton government might have more influence in Washington than Labor if things get sticky.

  15. Should Dutton be silly enough to not support Ukraine…then he is gon̈none
    He will match Labor here.!
    With DJT in charge usa is heading for….
    Fill in the details.

  16. In a interview asked about costings
    Angus said
    We voted against $100 m worth of al0 proposals…so now problems
    Which cuts?
    These laws would already have been
    Legislated so need to reverse via new laws
    Liberals not ready to govern

  17. id say typo auto corect owuld not change alp to al0 also they are right next to each other on the keyboard so hes probably hit the wrong key by accident.

  18. @ john
    Probably right… typing ain’t one of my skills.
    Even worse with the old typewriters.
    In 1970’s I did a essay at uni.. took me
    Ages… was told to either write it or hire someone


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