Corangamite – Australia 2025

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  1. This part of Victoria has become much more Labor friendly especially with the demographic changes that occurred during the lockdown years.

  2. Agree, Spacefish. The only liberal booth is semi-rural booth. It was once a Liberal stronghold. Neither Curtin, Chifley, Whitlam, Hawke or Keating ever won it.

  3. It’s funny how even when Labor used to win landslides to government they’ve never held Corangamite or got even close, yet nowadays the Coalition can win government (like in 2019) but not hold Corangamite as part of their set.

    Perhaps what is telling is that the redistributions over the last 30 years has pushed the seat far far away from where it used to be anchored around Colac, Lorne, Anglesea to now being purely based on the eastern Surf Coast shire and the Bellarine peninsula, both of which also used to be Coalition strongholds but are now completely dominated by Labor.

  4. @ tommo9
    Colac is still conservative, While Anglesea, Lorne etc are no longer in the seat they are still trending leftwards.

  5. The area is popular with sea changers. Torquay has a hipster and surfie vibe and hence its high Greens vote. The southern outskirts of Geelong are more working-class and are part of a commuter belt to Geelong and even Melbourne.

  6. This seat had VIC’s largest election-day booth at Leopold Primary School, with 2769 votes cast.


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