Barker – Australia 2025

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  1. Rumours that Flint wants to make a return to federal politics running in Barker where she now lives in the state seat of Mackillop, but after such a public exit its doubtful. Current member for Mackillop resigned from LIB but first preference is very high so a Flint challenge would likely go array.

  2. @Votante I don’t think they were ever going to remove Tony Pasin from this seat given how safe it is and that he’s actually a resident of this electorate. Flint’s family might have some sort of history here but she’ll forever be known as the Boothby MP who’s desperately trying to get back to parliament.

    Liberal hold for sure given that this seat would probably still vote Liberal if they instilled a wooden sculpture as its candidate.

  3. This is the safest Liberal seat after all (not including Nat or LNP seats) and the safest Coalition seat west of the eastern states.

    @Tommo9, I agree that Flint is linked with Boothby and if she wins nomination in Barker, she’d be a parachuted candidate.


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