LNP 1.9%
Incumbent MP
Michael Crandon, since 2009.
South-East Queensland. Coomera covers the northern Gold Coast suburbs of Steiglitz, Jacobs Well, Hope Island, Helensvale and parts of Coomera, Pimpama and Ormeau.
The seat of Coomera was created at the 2009 election out of parts of the Albert electorate, in the fast-growing corridor between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
The seat was created with an 8.3% margin for the ALP, but a swing of over 10% saw the LNP’s Michael Crandon elected as the seat’s first MP.
Sitting Liberal National MP Michael Crandon is running for re-election. The ALP is running Graeme Higgs. Katter’s Australian Party is running Peter Cobb. The Democratic Labor Party is running Rowan Harrip.
- Chris Wisbey (Greens)
- Rowan Harrip (Independent)
- Graeme Higgs (Labor)
- Peter Cobb (Katter’s Australian Party)
- Michael Crandon (Liberal National)
Political situation
Coomera is a marginal LNP seat but should be safely retained in 2012.
2009 result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 11,840 | 47.1 | +9.5 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 10,761 | 42.8 | -10.3 |
Petina Maizey | GRN | 1,545 | 6.1 | +0.3 |
Russell Anderson | DSQ | 977 | 3.9 | +3.9 |
2009 two-candidate-preferred result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 12,404 | 51.9 | +10.2 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 11,489 | 48.1 | -10.2 |
Booth breakdown
Booths in Coomera have been divided into three areas: Eagleby in the north, Ormeau in the centre and Helensvale in the south.
The LNP won a majority of primary votes in Helensvale, which has the largest number of voters. The ALP won a majority in Eagleby, while the LNP won 2.5% more than the ALP in Ormeau.

Voter group | LNP % | ALP % | GRN % | Total votes | % of votes |
Helensvale | 51.4 | 37.9 | 5.5 | 11,575 | 46.1 |
Eagleby | 34.1 | 56.8 | 7.4 | 4,050 | 16.1 |
Ormeau | 47.4 | 44.9 | 5.4 | 3,611 | 14.4 |
Other votes | 47.6 | 41.7 | 7.0 | 5,887 | 23.4 |

Rowan could you please outline a bit of your work / life resume. You don’t seem to have anything on your webpage.
Ok firstly I would like to respond to Jett’s comment. Yes I do listen to my fellow residents of Coomera and I have shown I will work hard for them into the future. The best example is my involvement with the community awareness group Disconex who fought to divorce the LCC and GCCC from AllConnex water board. I put it on the line, supported those effected and in the end we received the result needed. Crandon was nowhere to be seen. Increasing costs of living are continuing to smash the back pockets of all of us and anything we can do to stump this is imperative
My name is Rowan Harrip and I am 24 years old. My family helped mould Queensland as pioneering cattleman and farmers throughout our State. I, along with my family have called the electorate and greater region home and had connections with it dating back fifty years which has influenced me as an individual who is extremely passionate about the area.
I attended Pimpama State School and then completed my secondary schooling at Helensvale High School, which was a real life experience coming from a small school of 100 odd students to the second largest in the state with just fewer than 3,000.
I was the first young person to represent their electorate for three consecutive years in the Queensland Youth Parliament. I have also represented my region in debating and public speaking on a state and national level. This experience puts me in a position where I am devoted to stand up for all people within the electorate.
I went on to become a member of ALP from 2003-2010. During this time I worked on three state campaigns. I resigned from the ALP in 2010 as the Party had walked away from what they once stood for – a fair go and opportunity for all Australians whether it be in relation to life, family and business.
My professional background is in sales specifically telecommunications and business. I also study international business and tourism.
I currently reside in Eagleby.
If there is anything else you want me to respond to please let me know.
Thanks for the wrap Rowan but we need people who have actually done something with their lives, such as work and pay taxes. Debating? Public speaking? running 3 campaigns? sorry mate but that is waffle. We need people with life experience, not peering out from behind a glass window.
Hi David,
Thanks for your response. I have paid taxes since I began work at 15. I also run a promotions business along with a part of a hospitality establishment. Once again thanks for your response.
David’s comments have an element of truth to them we do need candidates with experience. But the line up of “experienced” candidates who seem to lack principle who are put up by the major parties makes one wonder if experience equals concern. We need candidates who have principles.
How about a bit of discussion about policy and less attack on personality.
Rowan should ignore the drivel and outline his positive programme.
Andrew Jackson
Opinion polling shows that LNP will more likely form the state government. Micheal only will be able to talk to Tim Nicols (Tresurer) to get funds to do anything in the electrate. Other candidates… no chance. Tim will be running the show. This is reality.
Rowan, what community work have you done?
I appreciate that Andrew. I don’t take personal attacks on my character to heart so that is fine.
My prediction: LNP retain
For the love of all things sacred please don’t vote LNP. The candidates are either drunks happily knocking back tax payer funded bottles of wine, drink drivers, spending time at swingers joints and receiving hefty kick backs from Telstra for putting up neighbourhood killing towers. A vote for any LNP candidate is for the nose in the trough routine, the gravy train. Vote 1 KATTER
Katter will destroy Queensland. We should save it while we can.
Jett for once stop with the LNP press release spin. A vote for the LNP is a vote for Clive Palmer, Campbell Newman’s wife, Peter Slipper, Crandon’s Telstra lease, gravy train, rort driven Tories who live at every one elses expense. Katter’s record in Sir Johs government shows the last time we built train lines, made dams, created jobs. You LNP patsies are all about lining your pockets … oh yeah and putting pushbikes in George Street that nobody uses.
Hi David,
Who wil Cobb preference in Coomera?
Also Jett who would you back in Coomera?
Jett, how is the LnP going to save Qld when they possess the same attitudes to the sale of state assets and csg as the ALP?
Personal attacks get you nowhere however I believe tha they are justified in this electorates case. Crandon the dud is abusing the privilege of peoples representative. His drunken episodes in parliament, his greed with the telstra lease, his invisible man routine in the electorate, now he is strutting about everywhere because he wants us to give him another term so that he can get his pension for life after serving two terms. THIS FLEA DESERVES to be unemployed after the 24th.
Just another thing, Crandon is on one of the slimmest margins in the state. I would implore all bloggers who reside in our electorate to vote for anyone other than this fool. It will not be a wasted vote. A vote for Crandon will be a wasted vote because he will maintain the same arrogant approach to the people.
Vote 1 for KAP, DLP, Ind, Qld Party, Dlsp, ALP. Not LnP.
He is not going to get pension anymore. Dont you know that? Labor got rid of that system a few years ago. Please research before saying anything. I beg you, Terence.
Just another thing, KAP candidate is more arrogant than Crandon.
Voting minor parties is helping Labor back in. “Vote 1 for LNP” They will get Queensland back on track.
Jett, I have always been a LNP supporter but how can you possibly vote for Crandon after his past term. Minimal speaking record, no public present, not living in electorate and despised by LNP higher ups?
I am finding it hard to figure out how to vote because as a LNP supporter I would usually vote LNP always but I am not wasting my vote this time around. I really have to assess the minor parties to choose who is the best candidate for Coomera.
Interesting, the last post by a so-called ‘LNP backer’ uses the email address r.harrip@gmail.com
I’ll leave it up to others to judge the authenticity of that comment.
Good one, Ben
Well then there we go,
[deleted due to personal attacks]
I’ve deleted most of Terence’s comment. I won’t be tolerating any more nasty personal attacks – you can criticise someone else legitimately but nasty attacks won’t be tolerated – they will be removed, but I will make it clear that you tried to post something that wasn’t allowed.
Hi Michelle and thanks for the question. We at Katter’s Australian Party are in the unique position of doing what is in the best interests of the electorate, as opposed to having to toe the Party line like the LNP and ALP are forced to. We at KAP adhere to a strict core of values and principles, but if they are satisfied we can represent our elecorate. A good example of this is Daylight Saving. If the majority of my electorate of Coomera indicated a desire for Daylight Saving, I can take that to the Party. This is why we at KAP are best equipped to manage the State of Queensland. The ALP have let us down. And don’t think for a moment that the LNP will be any better. The LNP have no interest in anywhere outside of Brisbane and have announced they will sell off the rest of Queensland Rail. Research who is funding the LNP (Clive Palmer and others) and look at the devastation Coal Seam Gas has caused. So, to answer your question Michelle, I intend to win my seat of Coomera in my own right. Preferences will be considered in the best interests of Coomera electorate and a decision will be made shortly.
As for Jett and his comment about being arrogant, I don’t recall meeting a person with the name Jett. I am answering this blog in my name and very proud of the strong leadership I can bring to Coomera. Please come out from behind the false identity of Jett and explain how you know me. These blogs are for genuine voters who wish to be heard. That is part of the great system within which we exist. Standing behind a fake name taking pot shots is pretty pathetic.
Hi Everybody,
In light of Ben’s comments I have been informed my personal email addresses have been accessed externally. The only comments legitemly from myself are under my email adress which is coomera@dlp.org.au as I have previously provided to members on this blog to contact me with any questions. I enjoy the conversation on this blog although its hard to know who is who they say they are rather than aliases.
Rowan Harrip
DLP Candidate for Coomera
Also I support and respect most of what Peter has said. Although I do not agree with him saying that as a KAP Candidate he has the right to vote in favour of the electorate. I would highly doubt that if the electorate disagreed with Bob Katter than the electorate would get its way. You cannot possibly say this is the case.
Rowan Harrip
DLP Candidate for Coomera
Thankyou for setting the boundaries Ben.
Thankyou also for editing 99% of my blog. You have saved me some face there undoudtedly.
As for the personal attacks, I agree that there is a time and place for them that is why I reserve those for this blog. I am sincere when I criticise the sitting member for this electorate. I am also sincere when I take pot shots at someone who is representing a minor party who purports to be a supporter of the LNP under an alias. This reflects poorly on the character on the individual. I like the vast majority of your intelligent subscribers do not believe that Rowan has had his email address hacked into. It is far too easy to blame someone else when you are sprung.
The use of alias identities by M.P’s and candidates in the press is an age old custom. The vast majority of those people who do this are usually smart enough to cover their tracks quite well. In this instance we have a candidate who is seeking to be elected as a popular representative who did not use his cover quite well.
Perhaps someone should renounce their candidacy as false purporting can be considered as breach of the Commonwelath Criminal Code and open to investigation by the AFP. You must realise that you are playing with the big boys when you post something on any blog Rowan.
I respect Terence for his comments but two things first. If it was myself under the guise of somebody else than ‘LNP backer’ would be my last choice of aliases. Also in terms of criticism towards Crandon I do not need to hide behind an alias as its on the record on all points of social media that I utilize that I along with many others in the community see him as an invisible man.
In this circumstance my personal email was utilized to make a comment on this blog – an email which many members of the ALP Branch I was a member of also had along with many others who I have worked with in the past. I have been involved in politics in some capacity for a while now and understand the difference between what is right and what is wrong.
Rowan Harrip
DLP Candidate for Coomera
Hi Rowan,
Good luck with the DLP. I’m interested whether you support the DLP’s policy for marriage as between a man and a woman considering that you have also made statements that you support gay marrige.
Hello Rowan
I was wondering what your opinion is of the anti MRRT ( mining tax) press release of your leader in the DLP QLD, Mr Zegenhagen. He appears proud of being anti the Federal Government’s origonal mining tax. Doesn’t seem to be ‘real Labor’ as the DLP describes itself, to be against taking tax during bumper years of supe profits. The DLP policy mirrors the Coalition at the time of the press release by Mr Zegenhagen.
Also, in NSW there are two rival claimant branches for NSW. A divided DLP ! The ‘branch’ that I oppose and dislike has not committed to pro-active union involved participation in workpalces but seeks to work towards worker/boss committees to decide on wages and conditions above the existing safety net minima. Now we all know that management and baords ultimately decide on those matters, not any sound good/feel good committee. What is you view of this lessened union involvement policy from your colleagues in that NSW ‘branch’?
The story of the alleged “shooting” at Crandons office raises some interesting questions. The Police have not confirmed whether it was a shooting at all. In fact the Police have not even confirmed whether it actually occurred. If it did happen, who gets bullets fired through a window? Who really is this Crandon fella? There has been a common thread through this site of the LNP being on the nose. Something stinks here.
Yep, if you don’t agree with someone’s politics, it’s perfectly okay to shoot bullets through their windows…..
I hope for “Davids” sake that he’s a LNP stooge taking the piss. The ALP or KAP would not be impressed with him making them look bad by appearing to condone/excuse shooting up their opponents’ offices.
Hi Rowan,
Can you confirm whether you support gay marriage? I notice on your facebook page you have ‘liked’ a number of pro-gay marriage pages but at the same time you are running for the DLP which is opposed to it.
Hi Tony,
I thank you for your comments and hope you have enjoyed the State campaign thus far. In running with DLP I support their policy to repeal civil unions and to vote in favour of keeping the current Marriage Act as is. In terms of any possible ‘pro-gay pages’ on my Facebook I am friends with several homosexual people and those pages must have been linked through their. That is the great thing about true democracy every individual can have their own views on topics and neither myself or anybody else is in the position to judge them regarding that. Once again thanks for the question. Any other questions regarding policy?
Rowan Harrip
DLP Candidate for Coomera
Hi Rowan,
Yes, I have asked you in my questions directly. You may refer to them from my posting here on March 10th.
Mr Webb,
Yes we did reject the first MRRT as did the ALP. After moving on from that, they then had BHP and Rio Tinto design an MRRT that suited them and gave them massive right offs while effecting smaller players and will do doubt have an effect on our long term steel industry.
Rowan is aware of this but apparently you seem to lack any knowledge on the subject, possibly because you have not been a member for quite a few years now.
The current MRRT has been accepted by the Coal Industry though and no doubt with further changes they may get close to getting it right.
I’m surprised Ben Raue even lets you post here. He obviously doesnt know you.
Voters are interested in supporting a party that actually implements a mining tax that gathers lots of money during these boom years.
Workers would suffer under worker/boss wages committees as proposed by one of your State divisions in NSW. Legal minima as a safety net is threadbare and not enough. The DLP policy of your friends in NSW is contrary to trade unionism.
You last sentence is simply your personal hostility coming to the fore Tony. Get a grip.
You know, I am willing to put a few bucks on to bet that Terence and David are either same bloke working for Peter Cobb or they are in fact Peter Cobb himself. It’s overly one-sided and overly passionate. I await the barrage of response in an attempt to prove me wrong.
Lets not talk about the inevitability of LnP success in the majority of seats around the State but not in Coomera. Lets not talk about a no-body member of parliament who has come out of the woodwork in the last week for getting his office shot at. Lets not talk about inactivity for the Coomera electorate in the term. Lets not talk about a telstra lease which is shady. Lets not talk about a possible allegation of voting twice in the last election.Lets talk about the CMC having a look at out current sitting MP.
Elaborate please Terrence? Interesting and worth discussion one would think.
Safe LNP retain, despite the 140 comments (!) worth of “input” here….
Thanks for your wonderful insight MDMConnell. We are blessed to have your cutting insights, how lucky we, and the other 80 seats you commented on have been to have your purile, kindergarten assessments. I guess what the proper bloggers were talking about is that something stinks in Coomera. There is something dreadfully wrong. By voting back in a sitting member who has performed like this LNP member is a dreadful reflection on voters. To say that you vote LNP/ALP because “my grandfather did” is sad. We have our own Peter Slipper right here in Coomera.
Not as blessed as we are to have YOUR cutting insights, David.
Lyn, i am not peter cobb, nor am i aligned with him or his party. I am minor party. Thankyou for your interest in my comments.
I examine with glee those comments posted by the LnP hacks such as MDM. I see that david who is not my alter ego nor friend, is very quick to pick up on the pro liberal sentiment. David seems to be very anti crandon and for that I can see that we would be good friends.
Rowan, there is some hearsay around the traps and I qualify this utterly as hearsay, that our sitting member voted twice in the last election. I really cant say too much more because I do not want to jeopardise a current investigation, however there once more is a rat to be smelt.
Wow, Telstra Lease, inaction for local constituents, gunshot through the window and now something else……….
I do not understand why people expect the sitting LNP member to do for the electorate in an ALP government. Do you expect the ALP to give to an electorate, that they have no hope of winning? The ALP is too busy sand bagging their own electorate to help out an LNP member
The thing is, if you vote in a non-LNP member in a LNP government, the same will likely happen, does the LNP government care that a KAP member thinks his electorate wants no daylight saving????
Hi dovif,
Thanks for your comment as it is greatly appreciated. I am guessing that you support Daylight Savings than? If this is the case and you believe that an Independent or minor Party cannot bring change or action in their electorates what are your thoughts about Peter Wellington for example?
Peter Wellington is an independent, and does not follow the advice of Bob Katter, his main contribution to politics is deliver an ALP government.
I do not know why you are bringing Wellington up, unless if your plans are to also deliver an ALP government, I think unlike Windsor or Oakeshoot, you should let Katter and your constituency know in advance.
As for Wellington, he delivered a private members bill re daylight saving, which was defeated because it did not have the governing party support, which tends to support my assertions
Crandon is another Slipper. I was talking to a friend who said that Crandon lives in the albert electorate. That’s funny i thought you could only vote in where you live not where you work! He sleeps 365 days a year in Kingsholme and is so scared he will lose his seat he has changed his residence to one of his investment houses to qualify for a vote. Desperate measures for a desperate man. We don’t need this man destroying the LNP name and Coomera. $1000 for anyone who can tell me one thing Crandon has done for Coomera besides alleging a bullet in his window, being drank at parliament, signing a LNP resignation letter just incase he slips up again, ripping off neighbors with a dodgy Telstra deal???????
Well now we finally know “WHAT IS A TELSTRA LEASE?!?!?”
Basically Crandon allowed part of his property to be used to build a phone tower, and locals are having a sook about it. Since they live in Albert, they have been “seeking to whip up public controversy against Crandon” throughout the campaign.
I always wondered why a seat that has zero chance of being won by ALP or KAP was attracting so much faux-outrage against the local member. Perhaps the comments on this thread can now be put in their proper context
Another insightful comment from MDMCrandon. The “sook” you talk about is a radiation tower 14m from a young kids bedroom with a future possibility of brain cancer. But you are spot on again MDMLoser running the spoilt brat LNP line.