LNP 1.9%
Incumbent MP
Michael Crandon, since 2009.
South-East Queensland. Coomera covers the northern Gold Coast suburbs of Steiglitz, Jacobs Well, Hope Island, Helensvale and parts of Coomera, Pimpama and Ormeau.
The seat of Coomera was created at the 2009 election out of parts of the Albert electorate, in the fast-growing corridor between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
The seat was created with an 8.3% margin for the ALP, but a swing of over 10% saw the LNP’s Michael Crandon elected as the seat’s first MP.
Sitting Liberal National MP Michael Crandon is running for re-election. The ALP is running Graeme Higgs. Katter’s Australian Party is running Peter Cobb. The Democratic Labor Party is running Rowan Harrip.
- Chris Wisbey (Greens)
- Rowan Harrip (Independent)
- Graeme Higgs (Labor)
- Peter Cobb (Katter’s Australian Party)
- Michael Crandon (Liberal National)
Political situation
Coomera is a marginal LNP seat but should be safely retained in 2012.
2009 result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 11,840 | 47.1 | +9.5 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 10,761 | 42.8 | -10.3 |
Petina Maizey | GRN | 1,545 | 6.1 | +0.3 |
Russell Anderson | DSQ | 977 | 3.9 | +3.9 |
2009 two-candidate-preferred result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 12,404 | 51.9 | +10.2 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 11,489 | 48.1 | -10.2 |
Booth breakdown
Booths in Coomera have been divided into three areas: Eagleby in the north, Ormeau in the centre and Helensvale in the south.
The LNP won a majority of primary votes in Helensvale, which has the largest number of voters. The ALP won a majority in Eagleby, while the LNP won 2.5% more than the ALP in Ormeau.

Voter group | LNP % | ALP % | GRN % | Total votes | % of votes |
Helensvale | 51.4 | 37.9 | 5.5 | 11,575 | 46.1 |
Eagleby | 34.1 | 56.8 | 7.4 | 4,050 | 16.1 |
Ormeau | 47.4 | 44.9 | 5.4 | 3,611 | 14.4 |
Other votes | 47.6 | 41.7 | 7.0 | 5,887 | 23.4 |

over it- dont you think that our local representation should be someone who lives in my backyard? I now know why I can’t see the invisible man. I want someone who knows what Hope Island is facing. Not someone who wants to be a politician.
But thats LNP for you. Live in one area and screw up another!
oh and the previous comment has been edited due to offensive nature
Well let me just say that the mood of the participants on this site is getting a little upsetting. From what I can see the site has been hijacked by Katter supporters, the happy team from the LnP are doing their darndest to make the invisible man attractive for some pathetic reason, we have no ALP supporters, we have no one from an Independent movement of Qld Party or other registered parties willing to stand up and have a chat. I am glad that the Bird of Paradox has edited the sitting member, the invisible man himself’s first ever attempt at public writing via the guise of ‘OVER IT’. We need true debate here people not personal attacks against the minor parties. Personal attacks against the sitting member are more than truly justified. I have also heard on the grapevine that the sitting member does not reside in our electorate!!! WHAT A FINE EXAMPLE OF TRUE REPRESENTATION. VERY LnP esq!!!!! Newman, Crandon, tim Mander, John Connoly, who else?
I recall that the former ALP Member for Dickson, Princess Kernot herself moved there for a sure vote and lasted just one term. The writing is on the wall the silent man of Coomera. We don’t want you here, GO AWAY, you are only on the gravy train and have your snout firmly in the trough. One term is all that you’ll get from us.
Have a look on the Qld Parlliamentary Members Register of Interests: http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/documents/Members/registerInterests/MembersRegister.pdf
So I get it right – Crandon the LNP candidate receives money from Telstra, receives funding from the miners through the LNP, and doesn’t even live in the electorate? Coomera electorate deserves better. Get me KATTER and get him quick. Katter stands for the worker, Katter stands for fairness. Vote for Peter Cobb.
David – so let me get it right, because apparently you like over exaggerating, you’re supportive of Peter Cobb, because of Katter? Ok let me spell this out KATTER IS NOT RUNNING FOR PREMIER, HE IS THE LEADER OF THE FEDERAL PARTY!!!!
Why does everyone keep going on about a man who in reality has nothing to do with this state elections final result. Have fun with Aidan McLindon as Premier of Queensland and waisting your vote.
Vote 1 Gillard or Abbott for Queensland Premier. Politics 101, there’s a difference between state and federal elections
Katter’s the name of the party Phil
PHIL, it’s been a long time my ‘unable to spell’ friend. By the way it is ‘wasting’ not ‘waisting’. We all know that there is a difference between state and federal elections you TORY. From what I can guess, the Katter lovers refer to his party when they mention him. Of course we won’t have Katter as our Premier. A bit like your fearless leader without an elected seat referring to his many great accomplishments as Lord Mayor. We won’t have him as Premier either. Do you know why? HE WON’T WIN ASHGROVE. Kate Jones is a certainty. If you truly believe that your fearless leader will win then maybe you should stop waisting [sic] your time and go and learn this Politics 101 that you are happy rabbiting on about.
Just want to confirm that Micheal Crandon Lives in Kingshome and no one here likes him either. Im disappointed about him and he has reflected poorly for LNP. I’m not voting LNP this election based on his character alone.
I want to know what a Telstra lease is Crandon!!!!
You have not adequately addressed this interest regarding how much money you are making from this organisation on an annual basis!!! That is typical because I don’t believe that you have a voice, certainly not one for the people. Looking out for your own desires and interests is very common for alcoholics.
Do you know anything about electromagnetic radiation? Do you care? Obviously not seeing as your intoxicated snout is in the trough.
I want to know how much money you are making out of having a Telstra lease seeing as no other member of parliament has one.
The invisilble man, why are you in bed with the local council who is Tory centric and who quite happily permit only yourself, a literal sitting member of parliament from the LnP to obtain a Telstra Lease??? VERY INTERESTING AND SOUNDS AS THOUGH THE MEDIA WILL SOON BE REPORTING ON THIS OR AT LEAST INVESTIGATING.
Terence: I’m stuffed if I know what a Telstra lease is (it could be his phone’s line rental for all I know), and I’m kinda sick of hearing about it – you’re starting to sound like that guy who posts newspaper articles in his house windows up the street from my house.
I’m also surprised to hear I moderate this site… I’m just some moderately-anonymous guy who comments sometimes. (Although if Ben wants to gimme the keys, I could probably silence a few fools in my spare time.)
Good to see some representation for a change!
Peter you have my vote.
Whats this telstra lease your going on about? If its got to do with Micheal Crandon it will be shady! I am interested to know. Oh to add a thought a line rental would be a bill and I dont think you have to put every bill you pay on your declared income/interests. A lease is when a payment is being made to him. Am i right?
bird,i am a person who also likes to post a few blogs here and there. i am not the old fool who puts the newspaper on my windows. i am sick of inaction but cannot stand for anyone due to ill health. i thought that you were the moderator of this site and for that i apologise if i offended you. donot abuse me by calling me a fool. if i am passionate about bringing a non performer out into the light then what is the issue?
Mr Crandon, you have not replied to my questions regarding your interests surrounding a telstra lease. We demand to know what your interests are in this whole thing. I am speaking to friends in Kingsholme and there is something smelly regarding the approval process for a telstra mobile phone tower in your own backyard which is only 14 metres from the neighbours house !!!!!! OMG. I am aghast…… The plot thickens. I will certainly maintain my enquiries with my friends and new contacts within your community which is not within your electorate. STAY TUNED.
After Rowan Harip’s resignation from the Queensland Party last November the word is that Rowan will be lining up in DLP colours for the seat of Coomera.
Rowan comes from a Labor background and is currently the only candidate who lives in the electorate. With a long lead time into the election and and large and growing team supporting Rowan he could certainly have many disillusioned voters having a second look. With a Federal DLP leader that in Bob Katters own words “inspired him after Madigans McCains victory” and Rowans desire to represent a real labor party in his district, the cat may very well be put among the pidgeons in coomera.
Tony Zegenhagen is correct.
Rowan Harrip was endorsed as DLP Candidate for Coomera last Saturday.
We need an alternative to the choice between an ALP Government that has left the Tory Industrial Relations laws largely unchanged and an LNP Candidate who is so arrogant that he refuses in advance of the election to work with the Parliament that that democracy will give us.
Campbell Newman’s Presidential style shows precisely why all leaders in Australia shouild be responsible to Parliament and not be directly elected.
We need to get rid of an ALP Government that sold off assets that were created/ expamnded by ALP Governments in the late nineteenth century and early tewentieth century but it is no good electing Campbell Newman and expecting anything other than DID NOT DO. Campbell Newman should stick to running the sewage system which he has shown that he just wants to off load on to private contractors. CONTRACT OUT should be put out to pasture with Anna BLigh in the same flooded field that their actions have failed to fix,We need to elect a completely new style of Parliament.
Rowan Harrip will be agood start in Coomera.
Andrew Jackson
This is Peter Cobb the candidate for Coomera endorsed by Katter’s Australian Party. Wonderful to see people taking time out to comment. However, please keep the comment truthful. I live in the electorate and have for many years. I coach local sports teams in the electorate, I shop in the electorate and I care for the electorate. We who live in the electorate of Coomera have been let down. Strong leadership is required and between Bob Katter and myself we can deliver. I dropped my children at school at 8.00am on Tuesday and arrived at Southport after 9.00am due to the congestion around Foxwell Road roundabout. We can fix this, and other local issues, if given a chance.
Peter, Bob Katter is not going to deliver anything to State. Simply because he is a Federal Memeber. He is nothing to do with State Govenment.
It is easy for you to say “we can fix this and that” DO YOU KNOW this State Govenment is broke? Maybe you can say whatever because you dont have to deliver at the end. This state Government can not find enough fund to fix a bridge which is collapsed. The bridge is permanently damaged and need to build a new birdge urgenly. However, Government can not afford to do it immediately. If you get elected, you will be in the opposition. What is the chance of you delivering your promises? Better be careful what you promise to the public.
C’mon Jett. Let’s get positive. Katter’s Australian Party WILL DO. First thing, the State is not broke, it has funds that simply need to be better managed. Secondly, I am not running to sit in opposition. It is too easy to be negative about everything. We can get this State working again.
Peter, How can we trust a candidate running with a Party whose Federal Leader is on the record as saying voters from South East Queensland are nothing but “blood-sucking sleezebags”?
Chase, i agree with you. How can we trust a candidate following a leader who does not bother doing his own job? He does not bother turning up to the parliament half of the time, does not bother saying or trying to stop Labor Government’s stupidity.
I can not believe that an actual candidate says ” The State is not broke”.
Kidding me… You must be a typical politician who does not care about healthy
Queensland finance. Perhaps a lot of politicians never run the business….
As some people think, the government’s debt is ok…. Certainly debt is NOT OK. Debt means that we are borrowing money and paying the interests. If this is just a business, the business has gone to the bankrupcy for long time ago. One day, somebody need to pay off the debt. Who is going to pay that? US and our children. not politician. They DO NOT CARE!!!!
-Labor racked up $85 billion in debt.
-$150 billon in unfunded infrastrucure.
So at least we have $235 billion in debt.
Can we say “Queensland is broke”?? What else can we call this? Not yet broke?
Queensland is BROKE. Thats why we need a government who can manage the state finance better. How can we trust a candidate who thinks Queensland is not broke?
Jett, your story about a bridge that has not yet been fixed is very alarming. Which bridge and where? That is something that needs to be taken up with the media. Intrigiuing yet, I don’t think that has anything to do with funding. It may have a bit to do with bureacracy etc but I don’t think the bridge would have been put on hold throygh lack of funds as it is major infrastructure and would need to be fixed regardless of how ‘broke’ the state is.
Chase, your simple comment about the SE as being scum sucking sleazebags is a cracker! Who said that and when?
Jett, your Courier Mail type numbers are extremely alarmist and SHOULD BE BACKED UP WITH EVIDENCE. Please provide a link to substantiate your OPINION.
Cobb quotes that the state is not broke. Basically he is correct in this comment. I can point you to any number of internet based links which provide that the state’s coffers are filling to the brim from mining royalties and the like. The issue I believe that you are trying to highlight is that through the ALP mismanagement of funds in the Health debacle etc and the sale of state assets, the states economy is in a poor state. You would be correct in that assumption.
Such views that the state is broke is only populist rubbish concocted by the papers to sell product.
Jett, how can you confidently portray that if teh state government was a business, we would have been bankrupt years ago! More rubbish. You should know that government whilst not business, possesses a number of corporations known as GOC’s. These are not bankrupt. To trade whilst insolvent is a crime and this is certainly not occurring.
Jett and Chase, I think you need to get away from your tory based knocking of what Cobb and his minor party are trying to portray. I have read what they stand for. You should read these too. They make a hell of a lot of sense. Whilst I am not a Katter man, I believe that the minor parties will really make a difference this time around.
Terrance below is the link to the 46 Policies the LNP has announced so far. Maybe YOU should do YOUR research before you start going on a rant.
Terence: Yes I have read what people stand for. Even Labor policies are making a lot of sense. However, are Labor policies leading Queensland in the right direction? Are KAP policies going to get Queensland back on track? If you read LNP policies, they make more sense.
Katter wants to stop all trades in Chinese goods because he wants to create Australian jobs?
Why would China purchase our food, fibre and resources if we terminate the importation of
Chinese goods? China, India and the rest of Asia can easily source food, fibre and resourses from other countries around the world. Russia, Brazil, Canada and many other countries.
Thanks Terence. You will screw over our farmers even more.
Matt, where is one policy? I see a lot of crap there myself regarding your four pillar economy – the first being a 4% unemployment rate! The very same one that Can’t -do so eloquently broke the other week. Better tourism = how are you going to do it? These are just catchcrys.
This link that you sent me is all wrapping and an empty box my friend! LnP gloss over rust!!! You have got to be kidding me. I stand by what I said the other week about not one policy being articulated. Unlike you, my tory friend, I comment and post with evidence and knowledge on areas of subject matter – not propaganda. You may like to undertake a basic politics 101 course at TAFE or something to understand what this is all about.
Jett, read my reply to your good mate/alter ego Matt. These policies make great sense to the uneducated as well as the die hard tory because they are not policies at all, only PR rubbish. We need how the LnP will save tourism etc. We need to know exactly how Can’t do will get us to 4% unemployment!!! You need to underake your research if you beleive that this all makes sense. An absolute glossy crock is what the link is.
How will Katter screw farmers if he stops the monopoly of the big two corps? I dont know about stopping trade to China either. I doubt that will occur. I do however believe that KAP would regulate the petrol industry by giving a domestic price on fuel etc. These are federal issues not state ones. Let’s talk about these issues next year.
What we need to speak about is how the minor parties are going to take the fight up against the LnP with its pathetic just vote 1 strategy. GONE GONE GONE. The House will be full of KAP, Independents, etc after March 24. Get ready for the change everyone. By not giving preferences to anyone else, LnP will become a minority party in their own right. BRING IT ON .
Just on policies. What are the DLP policies Rowan? Please don’t tell me you are standing for real democracy with your 1950’s party?
Excuse me, Terence. These policies make great sense to the “uneducated” as well as the die hard tory. I and probably Matt are not a policy maker. We are not a lawyer or a politician. We are educated in different areas. Perharps some are not educated to meet your standard. so “uneducated” people are not allowed to speak up??? If you call us “uneducated” because we do not agree with you, you are just making a negative reputation about your party. We as a voter, we are putting our opinions. You should respect that fact. More and more you attack voters, you will lose reputation. Unfortunately, some candidates from your party do not derserve that as they are working hard and decent persons as well as LNP and Labor candidates.
It wont allow me to respond so email me at coomera@dlp.org.au and I can answer any questions through their. Cheers- Rowan
Terence the DLP was a force through the 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s and re-emerged with a State seat in 2006 followed by a Federal Senator in 2010.
It is listed as one of the fastest growing political parties in the country and has grown quickly from its lowest point in 2005 where it struggled to stay registered right through to its current membership of over 4500 members many of which are in our YDLA youth groups.
Katters party and others have based many of their policies on DLP policies and beliefs. The current Website is http://www.dlp.org.au and a Queensland section should be available shortly.
In the meantime Rowan would be happy to answer any questions and at coomera@dlp.org.au.
Its name pre-dates the Nationals, LNP, the Greens and its roots are connected to many of our major parties today. The liberal party was held in power and would not exist today except for the 23 years that the DLP preferenced them. (Menzies even switching to become a DLP voter and supporter in later life) The Nationals were to be the merger of the Country Party and the DLP and The DLP originally came out of the ALP at the Split.
It’s a shame that didn’t happen in Queensland back then. It actually did in WA, was called the ‘National Alliance’, and all it did was lose both of the federal Country Party’s seats in WA (Canning and Moore) to the Liberals at the 1974 election. Neither has ever since been held by any version of what’s now the Nationals, and it took until 2010 for them to get a federal WA seat again. Apply that to Queensland, and Bjelke-Petersen might never have been premier. Ahh, what might’ve been.
As for the Country / National Party in WA, they had repeated break-ups of the coalition with the Libs, and a messy split in the party – there were two different National Parties in the state parliament for a while in the 80’s, and the side that eventually became the party of Brendon Gryllls and Tony Crook was the side less friendly to the Liberals. If you’ve ever wondered why the WA Nats are so bolshie compared to the federal party led by some old guy from Queensland, there you go. It’s part of the reason there haven’t been rural independents in WA like there are over east – the Nats here fill that gap quite nicely.
Terrance would it please you to know that I have studied politics 101 at university. Katter is a loose cannon. Most other minor parties while they struggle to get their points across still have some reasonable policies. Katter is considered to be unhinged by the majority of people other then in the deep north. I think he will do fine in a few select seats but until he can articulate some policies that are not going to ruin the state/country I believe a few seats is all you will ever have. Also somebody should whisper in Aiden’s ear that he isn’t going to have a job in a few weeks and Robbie Katter will be the leader of the KAP in QLD Parliament.
You carry on that Aiden McLindon will not be the Member for Beaudesert in a few weeks. I cannot take this for granted. Only one polly has been at the protests and he reps KAP. Only 1 MP has stood there with the poor soles at the Arrow mining demo in B/Desert and he reps KAP.
McLindon will be there after March 24.
Go back to your political 101 research Matt. THIS IS NO RANT. THIS IS THE FUTURE.
McLindon will be gone. He is a turncoat to the people of Beaudesert. What party is he with now? He changes so often I forget. Peter Cobb is nowhere to be seen in Coomera
Also Terrence you support a party which follows pretty much the identical of DLP? McLindon was actually approached to lead QLD DLP but due to his Napoleon syndrome decided to sprout The Queensland Party. You know the Queensland Party – his own Party he stabbed in the back?
How can Peter Cobb support KAP’s gun reforms while also supporting a crack down on the rising crime rates in the area. He is truly out of touch and shows his lack of thought pattern. Would love to see him experience gang society one on one.
Chase, these are very interesting comments.
Cobb is a lawyer and so I believe would be very busy. That me be a reason why you haven’t seen him around? Also when you get a chance have a look in Eagleby, Pimpama, Jacobs Well. I am aware that Cobb campaigns in those areas regularly. Cobb certianly is not an invisible type, unlike the current sitting member.
As for gang time etc and the reduction of violence as a policy etc. The gun policy of katter has nothing to do with reduction of violence. Cobb is better placed than most to understand the gang culture as he is an ex copper and now criminal lawyer. He’d probably teach you a thing or two my friend.
So Terrence are you telling me Cobb won’t be devoting his time during his campaign to show what kind of representative he is?
Also I live in Eagleby and nobody in my street or my neighbourhood watch group has ever heard of him.
Cobb is not in touch with the younger generations and will find it very hard to connect with this cross section.
Terence, isn’t it Cobb’s job to keep the crims on the street…… He get’s paid too!
Sorry to comment, but Terence is off the planet or as Katter would put it, out with the penguins…
If you want to vote against Labor and the LNP. Vote for Rowan. He doesn’t hang rubbish on everyone…
Thanks Luke! The aim is to deliver a real representative for the future not just the next term. We have had enough invisibility over the past term and the buck stops here with me. Let’s join together at the ballot with positive messages not the negativity handed out from the Katter and LNP supporters on this thread and vote DLP Rowan Harrip #1 at next months Election.
If you want an effective change for Coomera. Vote against ALP & LNP and Vote 1 Rowan Harrip
OMG, The site has been hijacked by the DLP!!!!
Rowan, you have a bit of history when it comes to allegiances.
Alp, Qld Party, Independent and then all of a sudden a born again DLP man….
At least you are standing up and having a go and I must congratulate you for that.
I wont rubbish you, you are minor party albeit very minor… and minor parties matter to me.
Good luck mate but you would have had more votes had you stayed Independent. Good night and god bless.
Hi Terence!
Firstly thanks for your support all be it little. Firstly I would like to explain my political history thus far before you cast judgement. I was a member of the ALP from 2002-2010 as I believed passionately they stood for the rights of the working class. I realised they had strayed from this and sold it all to the highest bidder. I than joined Aidan McLindon, the State Leader of your Party believing in the message he was so passionate in that a State Party would be the best option – he and his goons sold these ideals to the highest bidder. I decided to run with DLP as they believe in the core fundamental beliefs and policies for the working class. Also for a supporter of KAP I would look at your Party constitution and Charter as its pretty much taken from TQP and beyond that DLP.
In terms of votes garnered we will have to wait until March 24th and see.
Rowan Harrip
If you were genuine Rowan you would get your false alias of Chase, Luke of Ormeau, Jett and Matt off this blog. They even write the same as you. Make this blog fair dinkum. What is this comment about you love to see Cobb in a gang situation one on one? Sorry but too many weirdos and loose cannons in your closet Rowan. Cobb and Katter will win this seat because they are the best people and Party to lead. They are strong leaders and we need them.
David, what makes Cobb such a “strong leader”, and why do we need them? What we need right now is a new government who can deliver results for Queensland, Katter’s Party won’t be the next government of Queensland. Flirting with minor parties or Katter’s Party will just help Anna Bligh and Labor get re-elected. I for one, do not want that to occur.
I was definately inclined to vote for a minor party, but after reading some of the comments here, I am scared! No discipline and little understanding of government or governance. Back to a major party I go……………..
I think the people of coomera need a change in government. A lot of the people here are talking about political parties and the like. Vote for the candidate – not the three letters that come after their name. We need a person who is willing to represent us, pick up a phone and consult with the community. Rowan has been willing to talk to me wheneven I had a question and always worked his hardest to get an answer back to me. I can not ask for anything more.
Its as simple as this on March 24th we need to look at the candidates rather than the parties. I have put myself forward as somebody who will answer any questions asked and stand up for the electorate. I am working to deliver real accountability and representation.
Alex, all candidates will listen to you, answer the questions for you, they will say they are willing to work hard for you (even though some are lazy) and they can promise anything to you. but What can they actually do for you??? Only listening to people is not good enough. Who will more likely solve problems for you? Who ever forms the government will have the power to do/change things. Katter Party prefers to go alone. What can Peter do alone against LNP and ALP?? so can Rowan. Sorry but you are just wasting your vote.