LNP 1.9%
Incumbent MP
Michael Crandon, since 2009.
South-East Queensland. Coomera covers the northern Gold Coast suburbs of Steiglitz, Jacobs Well, Hope Island, Helensvale and parts of Coomera, Pimpama and Ormeau.
The seat of Coomera was created at the 2009 election out of parts of the Albert electorate, in the fast-growing corridor between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
The seat was created with an 8.3% margin for the ALP, but a swing of over 10% saw the LNP’s Michael Crandon elected as the seat’s first MP.
Sitting Liberal National MP Michael Crandon is running for re-election. The ALP is running Graeme Higgs. Katter’s Australian Party is running Peter Cobb. The Democratic Labor Party is running Rowan Harrip.
- Chris Wisbey (Greens)
- Rowan Harrip (Independent)
- Graeme Higgs (Labor)
- Peter Cobb (Katter’s Australian Party)
- Michael Crandon (Liberal National)
Political situation
Coomera is a marginal LNP seat but should be safely retained in 2012.
2009 result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 11,840 | 47.1 | +9.5 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 10,761 | 42.8 | -10.3 |
Petina Maizey | GRN | 1,545 | 6.1 | +0.3 |
Russell Anderson | DSQ | 977 | 3.9 | +3.9 |
2009 two-candidate-preferred result
Candidate | Party | Votes | % | Swing |
Michael Crandon | LNP | 12,404 | 51.9 | +10.2 |
Leeanne Enoch | ALP | 11,489 | 48.1 | -10.2 |
Booth breakdown
Booths in Coomera have been divided into three areas: Eagleby in the north, Ormeau in the centre and Helensvale in the south.
The LNP won a majority of primary votes in Helensvale, which has the largest number of voters. The ALP won a majority in Eagleby, while the LNP won 2.5% more than the ALP in Ormeau.

Voter group | LNP % | ALP % | GRN % | Total votes | % of votes |
Helensvale | 51.4 | 37.9 | 5.5 | 11,575 | 46.1 |
Eagleby | 34.1 | 56.8 | 7.4 | 4,050 | 16.1 |
Ormeau | 47.4 | 44.9 | 5.4 | 3,611 | 14.4 |
Other votes | 47.6 | 41.7 | 7.0 | 5,887 | 23.4 |

You are under estimating Peter Cobb at your peril. He is a good bloke and a hard worker. He coaches my son at soccer. As for the LNP bloke, he reflects the LNP attitude of arrogance. I want a strong leader and Bob Katter is strong, Newman is weak and changes like the wind. Cobb will win this seat. He desrves to because he has a truth about him.
Sorry David, I couldn’t disagree with you more. What I really like about the LNP is that they have policies, strategies, leadership and direction. I’ve checked out Peter Cobb’s public Facebook page and there’s a whole lot of nothingness, is that the truth about the KAP and the local candidate, a whole lot of hot air with no substance? It appears that the only things the local KAP is focussed on is their own photo and the local sports club. Even the KAP site suggests Peter Cobb is focussed only on a few specific things for our local area. I’d really like to hear how Peter Cobb really thinks he is going to promote tourism for the privately-owned tourist parks? Bizarre beyond belief. I really don’t think Michael or Rowan will be too worried. Best of luck Michael, my vote is with you.
Michael Crandon is a fantastic MP for Coomera – his passion and dedication is unrivalled. Sorry David, but Coomera will re-elect him because without a doubt he’s the best man for the job. Katter’s party are a bunch of misfits who are going to just get Labor re-elected if they’re not careful.
Hi Elly and Phil. I checked the LNP website for the tourism plan and there were many words, all waffle and nothing direct. I can’t help agree with Andrew Fraser who said “The LNP statement on tourism consists of a committee, a department and a minister. Is Sir Humphrey B Bear writing this simplistic drivel?”. As for attacking the person in Peter Cobb you should go and meet him as you would like him. Former Police Officer now solicitor who will finally bring strength to Coomera. Simple question is “what has the LNP MP delivered these past years?” Nothing but missing crucial legislation getting passed.
Until recent I didn’t even know who was our sitting member of parliament. Shame on me for not knowing! As I dug into it and finally found out who Mic Crandon is and ask around who is was, I got nothing. No body knew who he was. Sorry Mic, you have been around for 3 yrs representing me and my family and I have seen and heard nothing. How can I support a sleeping member of parliament! we need change and need someone who will do something for what they believe in. Can you tell me who that is? I would love to know? Who is this KAP dude? Anyone know?
I just want to make it clear that I am yet an undecided voter. I like Bob Katter because he is a truthful sort of fellow quite humorous, however that is not the basis of a vote. His candidate, I am sure is a hard worker and a deliverer, am I ready to take the chance on KAP?
All I see with the ALP is selling off of state assets, Health debacle after debacle, higher electricty prices, a transport network that is awful on the upper Coast. 20 years of Beattie and Bligh and the changing of a magnificent state, the envy of the country, into a vast mine pit.
I see the LNP and the ghost who walks, Mr Crandon himself, the epitome of the invisible man who by my own belief is a wasted opportunity. Elly do not talk up the LNP and Mr Crandon. Such arrogance is what will lead your certain victory into the same very lost opportunity. I beg to differ that Crandon will comfortably win his seat. I heard the other day that the LNP is the same pack of misfits that were running under the likes of Springborg, now they have a person who dearly has Brisbane and no other place in his heart. Can Do they call him. I certainly believe that they feel that they have a right to win. I think you could put Pauline Hanson back in and she would win, such is the mood for change.
I do not know if the ALP are running a candidate, I see this Cobb fellow and I see Bob Katter, I beleive the invisible man is in the room. The greens are another vote for the ALP so I think that after all of that, performance and work ethic come down to it. An ex police officer and now a lawyer, that looks like work ethic to me. I am now a decided voter.
Katter will win Coomera. No doubt about it.
Terence you’re in another world. Let me get this straight. A police officer who locked up crims for a living, now a solicitor who fights for them to get back on the street yet now a want-a-be politician who wants to “tackle Gold Coast crime”, is that because he’s put them all back out there? I don’t think Peter Cobb knows what he wants, his morals swing from left to right and back again. This is ridiculous, I’m not wasting any more time discussing Peter Cobb, he’s not going to win anyway, he’d be better off going back to running his business and keeping the crims on the street again, that way we’ll be safe from the Mad Katter’s Australia Party in Coomera.
Elly, I love to see your enthusiasm when it comes to LNP. We do need change and we need it bad. So if Crandon wins again what will he do that he didn’t do the last 3 years except go undercover and never heard of?
I am confused about who to really support and I think that maybe give the little bloke a go?
Did anyone see what Rob Messenger put out today? http://www.robmessenger.com.au look at the cover up video about health system. Makes me sick to even vote for anyone? Labor cover ups and LNP were in on it too? Can we trust anyone?
No worries Elly, I was once lost but now I am found….. Why would you critcise a person who wants to stand up and have a go. You would be better to criticise your dream member for a lack of action in the last 3 years. Do you know Cobb? I don’t know him, but how do you know that he is a defence lawyer? He could be a Wills specialist. I dont know many coppers who want to represent criminals after they get out of the department. Keep justifying your missing man. Maybe you should run for pre-selection of LNP when he is beaten by a MINOR PARTY.
Rowan Harrip is now running as an Independant for Coomera. Katter’s policies will really hurt Coomera and Crandon has and will continue to be missing in action.
Rowan good to see you having a go! I hope the missing in action member of parliament now knows he has to fight to win his seat again! But disagree of Katter’s Peter Cobb. I think that we need a minor party to take some control in this state. What I have read of Katter’s policies is to benefit all workers, families and anyone who loves the outdoors. What does Rowan stand up for and how do we know you wont sell us out or sleep for 3 years like our famous member of parliament?
This is Peter Cobb himself. I am overjoyed that so many people are concerned about the Coomera electorate. However I am concerned that one author seems to want to take aim at our criminal justice system. There is no better legal system in the world than the one we live under here in Queensland. I was proud of my work as a Police Officer, then as a Prosecutor and now as a Defence Solicitor. The Judges and Magistrates within whom we trust come from many a varied background, some have acted as Prosecutors and some have acted as Defence, and some have acted in both roles. There is no “left or right”, no “locking up and letting out” just an adherence to the law. Elly and Tim’s comments reflect the arrogance of the LNP that makes them unfit to rule this State. The Courier mail reported on Mr Crandon being forced to sign an undated resignation http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/newman-under-pressure-to-dig-out-lnp/story-e6freoof-1226173535133 and also reported on Mr Crandon drinking red wine whilst missing crucial debate http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/liberal-national-party-in-storm-over-boozing-mps-claim/story-e6freon6-1225839780702 and this is a good MP? What has Mr Crandon done for Coomera? Hope Island? Jacobs Well? Nothing Let’s not forget the recent Peter Slipper debacle where he became Speaker. And during all of this the weak leadership of Mr Newman was highlighted as he sat idle. Elly and Phil, you and all Queenslanders deserve better.
I know of Rowan Harrop, he used to be a member of the Qld Party. Now he is an independent. Chase what does Rowan stand for if not the policies of the Qld Party which I believe are closely aligned with Katter? Didn’t the founder of Qld Party, Aidan Mclindon join Katter? Perhaps Rowan doesn”t know what he wants? What exactly are his policies then? I will be voting for a minor party or independent and definitley not major party so why should my vote go for him?
Well, thankyou Mr Cobb. It is not everyday that a real candidate gets onto a blog. I can;t beleive it….did he really say that Crandon has signed an undated resignation? What ????? I had no idea about the drinking either…..OMG!!!! AND DO YOU PEOPLE SERIOUSLY WANT THIS PERSON TO CARRY YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS FOR ANOTHER THREE YEARS? I am really starting to become a little upset over this individual. How can someone have the gall to actually take payment for such irresponsible behaviour. This person makes me sick…..
How dare you Mr Crandon position yourself as being the true people’s representative in my electorate??? How dare you act as though you actually give a damn about us. Your drinking and non performing have earnt you the ultimate honour of signing an undated resignation. THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES. Even your colleagues in the LnP have lost faith in you.
And you sure had PHIL and ELLY hooked and hoodwinked I am sure, unless they knew about your drunken inactive behaviour. How can your supporters actually support you??? How can your LnP endorse you? OMG ‘Can – Do’ what is this about? Is this just another example of how the LnP will run our state???
This person is a flea. Just hanging around for a pension for life……. NO CHANCE – LnP voters vote for an independent or Katter. Crandon championing himself as the moral and just representative of his constituents is even fooling his supporters. Phil he is not the perfect MP for Coomera – THIS SOUNDS LIKE A PATSY COMMENT TO ME and probably made by the Invisible Man of quetionable sobriety himself!!!
I live in Sanctuary Cove and at the golf club we call crandon “Claude Rains” because since 2009 he has starred as the invisible man. After reading the earlier emails we should start calling him Arthur.
I was reading a press release today. Labor and LNP voted on making pocket knives illegal to have. WHAT THE? Is this country serious. Thats right anyone found with a pocket knife, that we all have for camping or even work is illegal to have. But you can have a permit for one. That’s right, I forgot we live in a nanny state. How stupid am I?
Secondly, Labor and LNP cover up on the health system. What the? LNP cover up as well. Evidence that they knew about it in Rob Messenger whistle blower.
So the Question is this, Are we seriously only got Humpry Bear? Or should we give an independent or Katters Party a go?
i was watching Willy Wonka today and the spoilt brat reminded me so much of the LNP and Campbell Newman’s wife. I can envisage her sitting in a “first lady” dress screaming “BUT I WAS PROMISED” when the LNP lose the election. And Phil stop blogging. You are obviously an LNP stooge paid to try and prop up poor performing candidates like Crandon the Yeti as no one has ever seen him.
i saw Bob Katter and Peter Cobb at Hope Island on Friday. Keep it up Peter. I think you will do really well. Real representation for Hope Island!
Bob Katter has been the Federal Member for Kennedy since 1993, following a highly successful 18 year career in Queensland State politics where he held four Ministerial positions.
Bob’s State Ministerial Appointments included: Minister for Northern Development and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs; Minister for Northern Development, Community Services and Ethnic Affairs; Minister for Community Services and Ethnic Affairs: Minister for Mines and Energy; Minister for Northern and Regional Development.
His Federal parliamentary committee Service includes: House of Representatives Standing: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs: Primary Industries, Resources and Rural and Regional Affairs: Primary Industries and Regional Services: Employment, Education and Workplace Relations: Industry and Resources.
He follows in his father’s footsteps as the Member for Kennedy, with Hon. R.C. Katter Sr. holding the seat for 24 years.
In 2001, after leaving the National Party, Bob contested the seat of Kennedy as an Independent and won in a landslide. He could no longer support a party that had so aggressively taken up the cause of championing Paul Keating’s free market policies: policies that had had a devastating impact on his electorate and on Australia as whole.
As an Independent, Bob enjoyed the freedom to vote in line with his conscience and the feelings and needs of the people of the electorate.
On the 3rd of June, 2011, Bob made application to the Australian Electoral Commission to register a new political party that embodied his core values and principles, Katter’s Australian Party (aka The Australian Party). Bob is committed to ensuring a movement exists to carry on his work well beyond his own political life, for the benefit of generations of Australians to come.
You could always vote Green – they have been around for a while with a reasonably clear philosophy rather than a party that depends upon the personality of an individual.
Green would be great, except for the fact that they have totally held this country to ransom. Come on Doug. We tried that at the last election and where did that leave us? green means more bans on humans and more rights for animals. Sorry Doug your dreaming if you think the working class man or woman now will vote that again.
Terrance you nutbag if you seriously think the KRAP will win this election then you should get back into your little time machine and take yourself back to the 1998 federal election and see how well One Nation did then because we all know that KRAP is Just ONP 2.0
Matt, I tend to agree, Katte’rs Party seem to be thinking they can form government of a handful of seats, I predict they’ll get between 3-6 seats. If the election is close between the LNP and Labor then they could hold the balance of power. I just don’t see it happening though. Katter’s Party will win Mount Isa, likely hold Dalrymple and Beaudesert. They are in for a shot in Nanango, Budekin, Mulgrave, Thuringowa and Hinchinbrook. Apart from those, I can’t see them getting anywhere near the same level of support in metropolitan/city electorates.
guys you are forgetting one thing. The voters are upset with the two party system. As A voter I am not happy with the Woolworths and Coles political duopoly of this state and country. I think the people will give KAP ago just like they gave one nation ago. WHY you might ask? Simply because we have had enough crap given to us from both labor and LNP governments. sorry if you disagree, but that’s the truth. The only reason why one nation didn’t succeed was because once again the big parties pushed her out together and she became the first political prisoner in Australian History. Shame on Labor and LNP shame shame shame. All she was doing was saying what people wanted to hear but everyone was too scared to say it.
I voting for an independent, and then giving LNP my preference vote. I would like to see someone different in government for a change. Whats the risk? We are risking it with the same member of parliament aren’t we?
bring back One Nation and Ill vote for them again!
to the one and only(whats the go with the name? sounds like you stole that off campbell newman) you are forgetting every candidate that has put their hand up no matter what party they belong too could win at this election. I really hope that there is more change in QLD. No to labor and no to LNP. Give Rowan Harrip or Peter Cobb a go. They are independents able to vote thier own way. Sorry, I used to vote for Labor, then went to LNP and I am not happy. Politics in this country is messed up!
Matt how dare you call me a nutbag. I do not know you and you not I. You espouse that KAP is another one nation. Perhaps your personal attack on me espouses the Principles of One Nation. I attack Crandon and call him a flea because that is fact and could not be contested on the grounds of defamation. You sir do not know me so keep your petty personal One Nation attacks to your petty self. Is Matt perhaps the invisible man himself?
Terence, “Crandon is a flean, because that is a fact and could not be contested on the grounds of defamation”. That is probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Clearly Crandon is not a flea, if you think he’s such a bad Member of Parliament, why don’t you run and see how you go at getting elected. Matt’s personal attack on you is certainly warranted. You don’t like anyone who supports the LNP and not Katter’s party. It’s called a democracy for a reason. Go on, call me a patsy, a flea whatever you want. Your childish name calling gets you nowhere.
There isn’t a hope in hell KAP will be a factor in this seat. If we look at the ONP trend lines from 1998, Coomera isnt a factor and to somehow suggest otherwise is insane. Personally attacking Crandon also wont work from supporters of a party that is promising to spend money like drunken sailors on incredibly stupid promises. Michael is a good local MP and I would expect a large swing to him on election night.
Terrance, The Australian reported a newspoll conducted at the beginning of December “minor parties and independents — including Bob Katter’s start-up Australian Party — have 15 per cent between them. The margin of error in the poll was plus or minus 3 per cent.” A TOTAL OF 15% MAX that is every other minor party falls over and dies and all those people vote for KAP. I would love to see a party form government by it’s self off 15% let alone govern effectively. I am just presenting the facts. KAP has no chance of holding the balance of power after this election let alone forming government. So please crawl back under the rock you came out of and keep your delusions of grandeur to yourself.
Why do you have to shop at woollies and Coles. Shoppers want something different. Just like this, voters will support KAP party. The question is how much. A lot of voters just think its easy to shop at one place. But they have never shopped at the one down the road. KAP is different and offers something the Other two cannot, for the big two are corrupted with corporate Australia and have forgotten their voters. Peter Cobb will do well and so will LNP but I’m not convinced the LNP candidate is the right man for the job. He will only win if he does? purely because voters voted for the party and not him, for surely voters would not vote for what he has done on his last 3 years of performance. It goes to show that people are willing to vote for incompetence instead of an ALP government, we need change.
You can’t say that KAP won’t do well on the basis of one nation. Was the electorate the same in size and voters? I’m pretty sure coomera is a totally different electorate than in 1998.
page 16
table 5 Independents’ voting patterns in the first year of the 43rd Parliament
Katters voting record is a little concerning. I find it troubling that he is paid $185,000 a year and only finds it necessary to show up to 45.34% of all votes. Terrance you call Crandon the invisible man. At least he turns up to votes same unfortunately can’t be said for Katter.
Oh and to Katter Supporter. The voters might want something different. But I am pretty sure they actually like their member to turn up to votes and actually do what they are paid to do.
Matt (or is it Michael Crandon?) check out what Peter Cobb wrote above. At least Katter turns up. Crandon is out the back drinking tax payer funded wine and missing vital votes! C’mon Matt (or Michael) the electorate has seen through the arrogance you LNP patsies peddle. I see you have not mentioned Peter Slipper once. That is because Slipper = Crandon = Newman. If you are not Crandon or a paid intern to prop him up, then consider how important your vote is. You don’t have to vote LNP just because your parents always voted LNP. Think for yourself.
1 Peter Slipper is no longer a member of the LNP and was in the process of being dumped from the party when he decided to jump to the Labor Party and 2 It is interesting that you can pick on Michael for missing one vote where as the Leader of your party doesn’t even make an effort to turn up to over half the votes in the House of Representatives. MP’s miss 1 or 2 votes a year that is not at all uncommon but to miss over half the votes. I would like to know what Mr Katter was doing while he was meant to be working for the people of Kennedy. And my name is Matt not Michael or Peter or whatever other deluded name you have come up with in your mind. When Mr Katter comes out and explains where he was for over 100 votes that he missed is when I will start giving your arguments some credit. Until then I would be asking your party leader is doing with tax payer dollars because it certainly isn’t his job.
Matt, you my friend believe that I reside under a rock. You and your patsy fiend phil the invisible man himself believe that I am a KAP supporter. If you look at my blogs you will see that only once do I stand up and say that my mind has been made up, however I always promote the minor party ticket and not solely Katter. I read what you say about katter and I agree that it looks as though he could not be bothered to turn up for a vote or 100. Well that is concerning- HOWEVER katter’s sobriety and integrity are not in question. Crandon is a drunk who gets paid 150+ to make a token appearance which is what he has done for the electorate of coomera since day 1. Get rid of your tory mindset and look objectively at the invisible man’s accomplishments for coomera in the last 3 years. You yourself get out from under your own rock my friend and give me a reason to believe why Katter/Cobb, Green, ALP, Independent etc candidates won’t do better than having done nothing for this electorate in the past 3 years!! You fool – you are blinded by your own party rhetoric in your belief that you have GREAT candidates! ABSOLUTE JOKE = LnP. You watch the National Party vote splinter when Can’t Do doesn’t go north, south, east, west from George Street after his ‘maginificent’ victory. By the way how do you know that the LnP were getting rid of slippery slipper? Are you in the inner sanctum of the party, or do you divulge only the simplest form of information being the print media such as the Australian and a public website from Australian Parliament House? Matt wake up and get some hard evidence on this as well as the majority of other rubbish that you write. I most certainly welcome any feedback on my perceived limited foresight and appreciation on your Member for Coomera.
Matt you are the reason we can’t have the LNP run this state. “Can’t do” or “Gunna do” but “Never do” is what the LNP and Newman are all about. If you had any leadership you would have got rid of Slipper but you DIDN’T. You were “gunna”. Well Queensland needs a leader who is strong, not a wimp. When the LNP came to the conclusion that they were going to lose another election, they had to import Newman from outside. Is there not one LNP MP who was thought of being capable to run the State? Not one sitting member (including the invisible man) good enough to be a leader. Sorry matt, you and your fat cat Liberals just don’t get it.
Can i mentioned they were gunna kick Aidan Mclindon, Rob Messenger and Shane Knuth out before they left, allegedly. But we all know no one was getting kicked out. They left because they couldnt stay with gunna LNP and Cant Do party.
As for me I am a Katter Supporter and still think change is definitely needed and if we vote for the same parties we will always get the same gunnas!
I agree with David. Is LNP different from 1 year ago because they change a leader? No I say! they are still the same old tired, used, have beens with a different Leader. Are we really going to get any change with someone who sleeps or is drunk or even invisible? This election should be about one thing only.
1. current member whos is the member?
2. ALP dont know who is running?
3. KAP Peter Cobb
4. QP Rowan Corrip
So who will represent me the best?
Well The choice is simple. LNP = Foreign Ownership and Foreign Goods. ALP = Debt, Debt and more Debt. Not to mention Stuffing up the police force and health system. Greens = Focusing totally on gay rights. If they had it their way we couldn’t eat meat, we would all be gay, and we would be flooded by asylum seekers with no defence force. Independents = ALP/Greens. Well Katters parties looking pretty good now isn’t it. Katter’s party = Australian owned and produced goods/services. Large Defence force. Great police service. No nanny state. And best of all the end of bureaucracy. So matt and phil you can abuse Kap all you want. But look at the other options they are just terrible. Can matt and phil instead of abusing Katter supports, can you tell us what LNP will do please???
Gladly Hayden, well Matt and I are realists, we realise Katter (or should I say McLindon), has no real chance of becoming Premier. His party does not appeal to Brisbane based voters in masse, and will therefore not form government. So you then go back to looking at both major parties, and after the election, only Bligh or Newman will be Premier. So therefore, I ask myself do I want to assist Anna Bligh and her stale 13 year government get re-elected, and continue to stuff this state royally up. Or do I want a new freshen government led by a person who has a successful record in my opinion running Brisbane City Council. As I said in previous posts, Katter’s party will be successful in a number of seats. I assume they are likely to win 3-6 seats, and finish second in an additional 10 most likely. Nowhere near enough to form a government, at best they will hold the balance of power. My one goal right now is ensuring Bligh and Labor are no re-elected.
I agree fully with you phil in reguards to getting rid of the useless ann bligh. But i Ask you wats the difference in policy between Labor and liberal???
anyone except labor. But I still don’t believe that our local man will be the best for us. I think we need someone else. I agree that KAP doesnt appeal to the Brisbane majority because we have only been up and running for 6 months on the other hand LNP have been around for a lot longer. But don’t forget LIberals may only get to form government because they merged with the nationals. I know that alot of national voters are not happy with the way the liberal part of the party has taken over.
KAP stands for Australian Made, Australian built, Australian Grown, support Farmers, stop the invasion of overseas cheap imports coming in and destroying small businesses, ethonol for cheaper fuel and supporting agriculture, NO to Asset sales. These should appeal to Brisbane voters as if we dont help the bush we will be paying more for fuel, food and products. I dont see anyone else putting the hand up to help the people of QLD past the Brisbane district?
Good guys still wear white – Katter’s Australian Party set to run ALP out of town
Contrary to the line being pedalled by the LNP, a vote for Katter’s Australian Party will not play into Labor’s hands, Dean Bertram argues in The Australian Spectator this week. He writes
for full full story
Labor’s 2009 candidate was indigenous but failed in her campaign to become first indigenous state MP since Eric Deeral in Cook in 1974.
Good to see Peter Cobb giving it a crack. I saw your signs and did a goolge search on you and I found this website.I think a change is good and having a look at what Bob Katter stands for I believe that you will bring back a voice to Hope Island. I know for a fact Micheal Crandon who apparently is our sitting member, well no one likes him. I own a business and he has done nothing to help the small businesses out, He has done nothing to help the youth out on the streets at the youth center I volunteer out. The perception of him is not good.
I want change so bad and will die if Labor gets in again. But can we trust LNP in Coomera to deliver nothing. We sure can! Because that’s all he has done and I am totally disappointed with his representation. I will sure be voting on a change and that will be Peter Cobb. Peter, politics is a dirty place. I hope you can clean it up again.
Can you believe that the sitting LNP member for this electorate does not even live in the electorate. The invisible man has no idea what the electorate needs or wants. To Matt and Phil and all the other paid LNP goons stop saying that Crandon is a good MP. He wouldn’t be able to find the Coomera electorate with the pack of silver spoons you LNP cronies are born with. I say vote 1 Cobb for the Katter party. He lives here.
David. You would have to be… [this comment has been edited due to its offensive nature – other commenters be warned, I will be doing this from now on – BR] …so to get on your high horse and have a go at an MP for not living in their electorate is a bit rich.
Labor have preselected Graeme Higgs to run here http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2012/01/13/381691_gold-coast-news.html