So it’s pretty obvious the ALP has won a fairly solid victory. The LNP has gained seven seats: three in Brisbane (including one from the Greens), two in the Gold Coast, one in Central Queensland and one near Cairns.
There are a further four seats that are too close to call, three in southern Brisbane: Chatsworth, Cleveland and Redlands, and Gaven in the Gold Coast.
So here are the electoral maps. Seats won by the LNP off the ALP or Greens are light blue, while the four undecided seats are coloured white.

A couple of things of interest from this election:
1.) The LNP won 49% of the two part preffered vote, yet got well less than that in seats. This shows a real problem with the Queensland system, but also an interesting picture of where people are who vote for the two parties. I haven’t looked at the numbers, but with that high percentage I am guessing that the ALP has won many seats on a marginal level, whilst the LNP has one many more with a bigger margin. This would suggest why they managed to get 49% of the two party preffered vote, but not win anywhere near as many seats.
2.) According to Antony Green’s blog the Greens pulled into second place in Indooropily (but not Mount Cootha). This will be the first time for the Greens in Queensland and is an important achieve ment. What is interesting however is that if you look at the Greens and ALP vote they equal about 53% or so, meaning there was quite a bit of leakage or vote exhaustion to get Ronan Lee’s vote down to 45%. Could be a good sign for the Greens in the future though.
Isn’t Mirani still in the undecided box?
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