Yesterday I finished the final seat in the guide to the federal election. I have now posted all 150, which you can access in alphabetical order, by state, or by visiting the pendulum. I have also written up a summary of political events over the last three years, including the fall of four leaders: John Howard, Brendan Nelson, Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd.
Thanks to everyone who has helped with the guide, by helping with the production of maps or providing input on their own local seat. You can comment on any individual seat profile. Obviously the list of candidates is incomplete, with many candidates yet to be announced. You can post any updates in the comments thread for that seat, and they will be updated over time.
I have another sixteen seat profiles I am yet to feature on the front page, so I will continue to post these every day for the next few weeks as we head towards what appears likely to be an August election.
go ben!
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