Victorian councils – box opening day


Voting closed last night for the Victorian local government elections. Ballot boxes will be opened today and votes will start to be counted.

I believe the deadline for declaring results is November 15, and we may not get any official figures before the declaration. I suspect there will be scrutineer reports and news stories, and you can discuss them here.

I won’t be doing any analysis prior to November 15, when we have proper data.

For days now we have been hearing reports about low levels of turnout. Frustratingly this data seems to only be available as printouts stuck up on the wall of local council buildings, but a number of these reports have been posted in the Tally Room discord (sign up on Patreon for access). And then last night the Age reported about huge queues at each council’s sole polling booth with voters who never received a postal ballot trying to get in to vote before the deadline.

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  1. The dayly return rate should be published on liine. When asked why not we ere tole that the Legislation retires that the information be posted on the door

    Elections in Victoria are nnot Transparent and the same issues are raid time after time/

    It is quicker to count more open and tranparent a single member election manually then it is to undertake a data entry process.

    When data entry tis undertaken the VEC will only provide a primary vote report. Scrutineers are denied copies of the preference data files. The preference data files should be published in real time and made public progressively as the data is recorded.


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