Yet another by-election – Dunstan in SA


A fourth by-election is now due to be held in the first half of 2024 – this time for the South Australian state seat of Dunstan.

Dunstan has been held since 2010 by former Liberal premier Steven Marshall (named Norwood for his first term).

This area had previously been a difficult area for the Liberal Party. Marshall is the only Liberal MP to win re-election for this seat dating back to the 1940s. Marshall retained his seat by a margin of just 0.5% in 2022, while losing power statewide.

My guide features all the usual details – maps, results tables, history and a comments section – and is free for all to read.

Following on from my publication yesterday of a guide for the Cook federal by-election, I now have twelve separate election guides live on the site – check the right hand side of the page, or the top menu, to see the full list.

The Dunkley federal by-election is scheduled for March 2, and the Inala state by-election in Queensland is scheduled for March 16. Cook will presumably follow in April. Marshall hasn’t picked a date for his resignation, but will apparently do so in coming months.

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  1. 2024 is officially the year of by-elections and it’s not even Australia Day yet, let alone the end of the year!

  2. Will Dominic Perrottet resign from his seat of Epping? I think he’d be fine to stay, he could even be a minister in a Speakman government as he was popular in NSW despite his socially conservative views. But he hasn’t posted on Instagram or made a tweet (I don’t use Twitter/X but I checked online) since the state election loss. Any thoughts?

  3. Nether portal, I think perrottet may be eyeing a federal run similar to former premier John Fahey so he is laying low until the redistribution is finalised and he can decide which seat to run in.

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