I blogged about the draft boundaries for the Northern Territory redistribution before I took a break back in June. At the end of July, the NT Electoral Commission released a second draft (not a final map), which contained changes to the boundaries of five electorates. Because the changes between two seats were reasonably significant, this triggered another round of consultation, before a final map is released later this year.
I won’t go into depth about this map, because it’s mostly the same as the May map. There were changes in two areas.
There was a substantial exchange of population on the border of Katherine and Arnhem. The seat of Nelson also retracted slightly from the Darwin area, with this area moved into Karama and Fong Lim.
This map below shows the new draft in green, with the old boundaries in red and the first draft in blue. It’s zoomed in on Katherine by default.
This new map is now available for download as a KMZ file from the maps page.